Updated on 2023-11-30 GMT+08:00

Checking the Database Compatibility Type

MySQL -> GaussDB(DWS) Synchronization

Table 1 Checking the database compatibility type

Check Item

Whether the database compatibility type is supported


The migration of tables without primary keys and empty strings does not support the Oracle (ORA) compatibility mode of GaussDB(DWS).

Failure Cause and Handling Suggestion

Failure cause: The migration of tables without primary keys does not support the ORA compatibility mode of GaussDB(DWS).

Handling suggestion: Use the MySQL and Teradata compatibility mode of GaussDB(DWS) or add primary keys to tables that do not have primary keys.

Run the following statement to add a primary key to the table:



Failure cause: The migration of empty strings does not support the ORA compatibility mode of GaussDB(DWS).

Handling suggestion: You are advised to use the MySQL or Teradata compatibility mode.

MySQL -> GaussDB Synchronization

Table 2 Checking the database compatibility type

Check Item

Whether the database compatibility type is supported


The destination database is incompatible with MySQL.

Failure Cause and Handling Suggestion

Failure cause: The destination database is incompatible with MySQL.

Handling suggestion: Use a destination instance that is compatible with MySQL.

If the destination instance is a distributed instance, run the following statement to create a compatible database: CREATE DATABASE mysql_compatible_db DBCOMPATIBILITY 'MYSQL';

If the destination instance is a primary/standby instance, run the following statement to create a compatible database: CREATE DATABASE mysql_compatible_db DBCOMPATIBILITY 'B';