Updated on 2024-11-29 GMT+08:00

Sensitive Word Filtering


Sensitive words in query results are filtered.

  • If distrib=false is configured when querying, the sensitive word filtering is not supported.
  • Sensitive word filtering is used only for the String and Text fields.


You have installed the Solr service.


  1. Configure and update sensitive words.

    Configuring sensitive words
    1. Download a config set template.

      solrctl confset --get confWithSchema ./test_exclude

    2. Configure the sensitive word list excludeWords.txt.
      • The maximum number of sensitive words is 10,000.
      • For text fields, the matching of sensitive words depends on analyzers. If a text field contains any sensitive word, the word will be analyzed after being tokenized.
      • If repeated sensitive words exist in the list, keep those of higher levels.
      • When querying, filter the sensitive words whose sensitivity level is greater than or equal to the value of excludePriority.

      vi ./test_exclude/conf/excludeWords.txt

      # For example, sensitive word, sensitive level
    3. Configure the sensitive word filtering component in the request handler. In test_exclude/conf/solrconfig.xml, add the following configuration:
      <requestHandler name="/exclude" class="solr.SearchHandler">
           <lst name="defaults">
             <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
             <int name="rows">10</int>
             <bool name="preferLocalShards">false</bool>
           <arr name="components">
      • The configuration has been added to confWithSchema/conf/solrconfig.xml.
      • The sensitive world filtering component is called exclude_terms.
    4. Create a config set.

      solrctl confset --create exclude_conf ./test_exclude

    5. Create a collection and specify the exclude_conf config set.

      solrctl collection --create exculde_coll -c exclude_conf -s 3 -r 1 -m 1

    Updating sensitive words

    1. Download the exclude_conf config set for updating to the local update directory

      solrctl confset --get exclude_conf ./update

    2. Update the sensitive word list in the update directory

      vi ./update/conf/excludeWords.txt

    3. Update the config set to ZooKeeper.

      solrctl confset --update exclude_conf ./update/

    4. Reload the collection that uses the config set to make sensitive word changes take effect.

      solrctl collection --reload exculde_coll

  2. When querying Solr Admin UI Usage Examples, enter /exclude in Request-Handler(qt) and enter excludePriority=2 in Raw Query Parameters.

    Figure 1 Solr Admin UI

    In the result set shown in Figure 1, excludeResultNum indicates the number of filtered results.

    • In Request-Handler (qt), enter /exclude. /exclude indicates the requestHandler name configured in 1.c.
    • In Raw Query Parameters, enter useExclude=false to disable sensitive word filtering for query results.