Updated on 2024-11-15 GMT+08:00

Example 4: Creating a VPN Connection Monitor


This section describes how to create a VPN connection monitor by calling APIs.


  • You have obtained a user token if you need to use token authentication. In addition, you need to add X-Auth-Token to the request header when calling an API. For details about token authentication, see "Authentication" in the Virtual Private Cloud API Reference.

    The token obtained through IAM is valid for only 24 hours. When using a token for authentication, cache it to avoid frequent calling.

Data Preparation

Table 1 Key parameters in the request for creating a VPN connection monitor



Example Value


Specifies the ID of the VPN connection to be monitored.



  1. Create a VPN connection monitor.
    1. Send POST https://{endpoint}/v5/{project_id}/connection-monitors.
    2. Add X-Auth-Token to the request header.
    3. Specify the following parameters in the request body:
          "connection_monitor": {
              "vpn_connection_id": "cae286f2-demo-a8df-va86-e22416ca1220"
    4. Check the response.
      • The request is successful if the following response is displayed. In the response, id indicates the ID of a VPN connection monitor.
            "connection_monitor": {
                "id": "76f64229-demo-a8df-va86-3907e2815b6d",
                "vpn_connection_id": "cae286f2-demo-a8df-va86-e22416ca1220",
                "type": "gateway",
                "source_ip": "88.***.***.60",
                "destination_ip": "192.***.***.0",
                "proto_type": "icmp"
            "request_id": "54af23d8-989e-445d-bb48-0a9da33d7f0f"
  2. Query details about the VPN connection monitor.
    1. Send GET https://{endpoint}/v5/{project_id}/connection-monitors/{connection_monitor_id}.
    2. Add X-Auth-Token to the request header.
    3. Check the response.
      • The request is successful if the following response is displayed. In the response, id indicates the ID of a VPN connection monitor.
            "connection_monitor": {
                "id": "76f64229-demo-a8df-va86-3907e2815b6d",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "vpn_connection_id": "cae286f2-demo-a8df-va86-e22416ca1220",
                "type": "gateway",
                "source_ip": "88.***.***.60",
                "destination_ip": "192.***.***.0",
                "proto_type": "icmp"
            "request_id": "72d05395-0637-4f93-9844-b4979e9d7bdc"