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Central de ajuda> Relational Database Service> Perguntas frequentes> Consultoria de produto> What Are the Restrictions on RDS for MySQL DB Instances After GTID Is Enabled?
Atualizado em 2023-08-29 GMT+08:00

What Are the Restrictions on RDS for MySQL DB Instances After GTID Is Enabled?

By default, GTID is enabled on RDS for MySQL and cannot be disabled because functions such as the primary/standby relationship establishment depend on GTID. If GTID is disabled, all RDS functions (such as backup and restoration and primary/standby switchover or failover) will be affected or even become unavailable.

After GTID is enabled for MySQL community edition, an error will be reported in the following conditions:

  • Create tables (create
  • A transaction is processed by the engine (InnoDB) that supports transactions and the engine (MyISAM) that does not support transactions at the same time.
  • Create temporary tables (create temporary table).

RDS for MySQL resolved these issues by optimizing the kernel.

Consultoria de produto Perguntas frequentes
