- Visão geral de serviço
- No momento, o conteúdo não está disponível no seu idioma selecionado. Consulte a versão em inglês.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Billing
Getting Started
- Using a Public NAT Gateway to Enable Servers to Share One or More EIPs to Access the Internet
- Using a Public NAT Gateway to Enable Servers to Be Accessed by the Internet
- Using a Private NAT Gateway to Connect Cloud and On-premises Networks
- Using Multiple Public NAT Gateways Together in Performance-Demanding Scenarios
User Guide
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Tag Management
- Managing Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
Best Practices
- Enabling Private Networks to Access the Internet Using a Cloud Connection and SNAT
- Using a Public NAT Gateway and Direct Connect to Accelerate Internet Access
- Using a Private NAT Gateway and Direct Connect to Enable Communications Between a VPC and an On-premises Data Center
- Using a Public NAT Gateway and VPC Peering to Enable Communications Between VPCs and the Internet
- Preserving Your Network with NAT Gateways During Cloud Migration
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs of Public NAT Gateways
- APIs for Private NAT Gateways
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Out-of-Date APIs
- SDK Reference
Public NAT Gateways
- What Is the Relationship Between a VPC, Public NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does a Public NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Are the Differences Between Using a Public NAT Gateway and Using an EIP for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through a Public NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a Public NAT Gateway?
- Does Public NAT Gateway Support IPv6 Addresses?
- What Security Policies Can I Configure to Implement Access Control If I Use a Public NAT Gateway?
- What Can I Do If Connection Between My Servers and the Internet Fails After I Add SNAT and DNAT Rules?
- Can a Public NAT Gateway Limit the Bandwidth of a Server?
- What Can I Do If the Number of Lost Packets of a Public NAT Gateway Exceeds the Threshold (or EIP Port Allocation Exceeds the Threshold)?
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Buy in a VPC?
- Can I Increase the Numbers of SNAT and DNAT Rules Supported by a Private NAT Gateway?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across Accounts?
SNAT Rules
- Why Do I Need SNAT?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of a Public NAT Gateway That Is Used by Servers to Access the Internet? How Do I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Should I Do If My ECS Fails to Access a Server on the Public Network Through a Public NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- DNAT Rules
Public NAT Gateways
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Managing NAT Gateways
- Managing SNAT Rules
- Managing DNAT Rules
- Monitoring Management
NAT Gateway
- What Is the Relationship Between VPC, NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does A NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Can I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through the NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a NAT Gateway After It Is Created?
- What Is the Quota of the NAT Gateway?
- Why SNAT Is Used?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of the NAT Gateway When a Server Accesses the Internet Through the NAT Gateway? Where Can I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
NAT Gateway
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Region)
- Overview
Getting Started
- Allowing a Private Network to Access the Internet Using SNAT
- Allowing Internet Users to Access a Service in a Private Network Using DNAT
- Allowing On-Premises Servers to Communicate with the Internet
- Using Private NAT Gateways to Enable Communications Between Cloud and On-premises Networks
- Using Multiple Public NAT Gateways Together in Performance-Demanding Scenarios
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring
Public NAT Gateways
- What Is the Relationship Between a VPC, Public NAT Gateway, EIP Bandwidth, and ECS?
- How Does a Public NAT Gateway Offer High Availability?
- Which Ports Cannot Be Accessed?
- What Are the Differences Between Using a NAT Gateway and Using an EIP for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access the Internet Through a NAT Gateway?
- Can I Change the VPC for a NAT Gateway?
- What Is the Quota of the NAT Gateway?
- Can I Update NAT Gateways and SNAT Rules?
- Does NAT Gateway Support IPv6 Addresses?
- What Security Policies Can I Configure to Implement Access Control If I Use a NAT Gateway?
- What Can I Do If Connection Between My Servers and the Internet Fails After I Add SNAT and DNAT Rules?
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Create in a VPC?
- Can I Increase the Numbers of SNAT and DNAT Rules Supported by a Private NAT Gateway?
- Can an SNAT Rule and a DNAT Rule of a Private NAT Gateway Share the Same Transit IP Address?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across ?
SNAT Rules
- Why Do I Need SNAT?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of a NAT Gateway That Is Used by Servers to Access the Internet? How Do I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Should I Do If My ECS Fails to Access a Server on the Public Network Through a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- DNAT Rules
Public NAT Gateways
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Managing NAT Gateways
- Managing SNAT Rules
- Managing DNAT Rules
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring Management
- NAT Gateway
- Why Is SNAT Used?
- What Are SNAT Connections?
- What Is the Bandwidth of the NAT Gateway When a Server Accesses the Internet Through the NAT Gateway? Where Can I Configure the Bandwidth?
- How Do I Resolve Packet Loss or Connection Failure Issues When Using a NAT Gateway?
- What Are the Relationships and Differences Between the CIDR Blocks in a NAT Gateway and in an SNAT Rule?
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Public NAT Gateways
- Private NAT Gateways
- Permissions Management
- Monitoring
- Public NAT Gateways
Private NAT Gateways
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Failure After a Private NAT Gateway Is Configured?
- How Many Private NAT Gateways Can I Create in a VPC?
- Can Private NAT Gateways Translate On-premises IP Addresses Connected to the Cloud Through Direct Connect?
- What Are the Differences Between Private NAT Gateways and Public NAT Gateways?
- Can a Private NAT Gateway Be Used Across Accounts?
- SNAT Rules
- DNAT Rules
- Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs for Public NAT Gateways
- Private Nat API
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Região e AZ
Uma região e uma zona de disponibilidade (AZ) identificam a localização de um centro de dados. Você pode criar recursos em uma região e AZ específicas.
- As regiões são divididas com base na localização geográfica e na latência da rede. Serviços públicos, como Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Elastic Volume Service (EVS), Object Storage Service (OBS), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic IP (EIP) e Image Management Service (IMS), são compartilhados na mesma região. As regiões são classificadas em regiões universais e regiões dedicadas. Uma região universal fornece serviços de nuvem universal para locatários comuns. Uma região dedicada fornece serviços específicos para locatários específicos.
- Uma AZ contém um ou mais centros de data físicos. Cada AZ possui resfriamento, sistema de extinção de incêndio, proteção contra umidade e instalações elétricas independentes. Dentro de uma AZ, computação, rede, armazenamento e outros recursos são logicamente divididos em vários clusters. As AZs dentro de uma região são interconectadas usando fibras ópticas de alta velocidade, para suportar sistemas de alta disponibilidade entre AZs.
Figura 1 mostra a relação entre regiões e AZs.
HUAWEI CLOUD fornece serviços em muitas regiões do mundo. Selecione uma região e uma AZ com base nos requisitos. Para obter mais informações, consulte Regiões globais do Huawei Cloud.
Selecionar uma região
Ao selecionar uma região, considere os seguintes fatores:
- Localização
É recomendável selecionar a região mais próxima para menor latência de rede e acesso rápido. As regiões dentro do continente chinês fornecem a mesma infraestrutura, qualidade de rede BGP, bem como operações e configurações de recursos. Portanto, se seus usuários-alvo estiverem no continente chinês, você não precisará considerar as diferenças de latência da rede ao selecionar uma região.
- Se seus usuários-alvo estiverem na Ásia-Pacífico (excluindo o continente chinês), selecione a região CN-Hong Kong, AP-Bangkok, ou AP-Singapore.
- Se seus usuários-alvo estão na África, selecione a região AF-Johannesburg.
- Se seus usuários de destino estiverem na América Latina, selecione a região LA-Santiago.
A região LA-Santiago está localizada no Chile.
- Preço do recurso
Os preços dos recursos podem variar em diferentes regiões. Para obter detalhes.
Selecionar uma AZ
Ao implantar recursos, considere os requisitos de recuperação de desastres (DR) e latência de rede de seus aplicativos.
- Para alta capacidade de DR, implante recursos nas diferentes AZs dentro da mesma região.
- Para menor latência de rede, implante recursos na mesma AZ.
Regiões e endpoints
Antes de usar uma API para chamar recursos, especifique sua região e endpoint. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte Regions and Endpoints.