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IoTDB Enhanced Open Source Features
Atualizado em 2023-08-14 GMT+08:00
IoTDB Enhanced Open Source Features
This section applies to MRS 3.1.5 or later.
- Visualized O&M covers installation, uninstallation, one-click start and stop, configurations, clients, monitoring, alarms, health checks, and logs.
- Visualized permission management does not require background command line operations and supports read and write permission control at the database and table levels.
- Visualized log level configuration dynamically takes effect, supports visualized download and retrieval, and supports log audit.
Security Hardening
User authentication supports Kerberos authentication and SSL encryption, which are compatible with the community authentication mode.
Ecosystem Interconnection
On the basis of native capabilities, the cluster interconnection with MQTT is enhanced.
Tópico principal: IoTDB
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