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Elastic Cloud Server
Bare Metal Server
Auto Scaling
Image Management Service
Dedicated Host
Cloud Phone Host
Huawei Cloud EulerOS
Virtual Private Cloud
Elastic IP
Elastic Load Balance
NAT Gateway
Direct Connect
Virtual Private Network
VPC Endpoint
Cloud Connect
Enterprise Router
Enterprise Switch
Global Accelerator
Gerenciamento e governança
Cloud Eye
Identity and Access Management
Cloud Trace Service
Resource Formation Service
Tag Management Service
Log Tank Service
Resource Access Manager
Simple Message Notification
Application Performance Management
Application Operations Management
Optimization Advisor
Cloud Operations Center
Resource Governance Center
Server Migration Service
Object Storage Migration Service
Cloud Data Migration
Migration Center
Cloud Ecosystem
Partner Center
User Support
My Account
Billing Center
Cost Center
Resource Center
Enterprise Management
Service Tickets
HUAWEI CLOUD (International) FAQs
ICP Filing
Support Plans
My Credentials
Customer Operation Capabilities
Partner Support Plans
Professional Services
MapReduce Service
Data Lake Insight
CloudTable Service
Cloud Search Service
Data Lake Visualization
Data Ingestion Service
DataArts Studio
IoT Device Access
Product Pricing Details
System Permissions
Console Quick Start
Common FAQs
Instructions for Associating with a HUAWEI CLOUD Partner
Message Center
Segurança e conformidade
Security Technologies and Applications
Web Application Firewall
Host Security Service
Cloud Firewall
Anti-DDoS Service
Data Encryption Workshop
Database Security Service
Cloud Bastion Host
Data Security Center
Cloud Certificate Manager
Situation Awareness
Managed Threat Detection
Blockchain Service
Serviços de mídia
Media Processing Center
Video On Demand
Object Storage Service
Elastic Volume Service
Cloud Backup and Recovery
Cloud Server Backup Service
Storage Disaster Recovery Service
Scalable File Service
Volume Backup Service
Data Express Service
Dedicated Distributed Storage Service
Cloud Container Engine
SoftWare Repository for Container
Application Service Mesh
Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service
Cloud Container Instance
Bancos de dados
Relational Database Service
Document Database Service
Data Admin Service
Data Replication Service
Distributed Database Middleware
Database and Application Migration UGO
Distributed Cache Service
API Gateway
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ
Distributed Message Service for RocketMQ
Cloud Service Engine
Dedicated Cloud
Dedicated Computing Cluster
Aplicações de negócios
ROMA Connect
Message & SMS
Domain Name Service
Edge Data Center Management
Face Recognition Service
Graph Engine Service
Content Moderation
Image Recognition
Data Lake Factory
Optical Character Recognition
Conversational Bot Service
Speech Interaction Service
Huawei HiLens
Developer Tools
SDK Developer Guide
API Request Signing Guide
Koo Command Line Interface
Distribuição de conteúdo e computação de borda
Content Delivery Network
Intelligent EdgeFabric
SAP Cloud
High Performance Computing
Serviços para desenvolvedore
CodeArts PerfTest
CodeArts Req
CodeArts Pipeline
CodeArts Build
CodeArts Deploy
CodeArts Artifact
CodeArts TestPlan
CodeArts Check
Cloud Application Engine
MacroVerse aPaaS
Nesta página


Atualizado em 2024-01-04 GMT+08:00

Tipos de servidores suportados

  • ECS
  • BMS
  • Huawei Cloud Workspace
  • Servidor de nuvem de terceiros
  • Servidor local

Atualmente, apenas algumas regiões suportam o acesso a servidores não da Huawei Cloud. Para obter detalhes sobre as regiões, consulte Onde o HSS está disponível?

SOs suportados

O HSS usa o agente para monitorar riscos de segurança e se defender contra invasões externas. Para proteger um servidor com HSS, certifique-se de que o agente esteja ativo e em execução no servidor. Para obter mais informações, consulte Tabela 1.

  • O agente é provavelmente incompatível com as versões de Linux ou Windows que atingiram o fim da vida útil. Para obter uma melhor experiência de serviço HSS, é aconselhável instalar ou atualizar para uma versão do SO suportada pelo agente.
  • Se um software de segurança de terceiros, como o McAfee tiver sido instalado no servidor, interrompa a função de proteção do software antes de instalar um agente do HSS. Depois de instalar o agente, você pode reativar a função de proteção no software.
  • O CentOS 6.x não é mais atualizado ou mantido no site oficial do Linux, e o HSS não suporta mais o CentOS 6.x ou anterior.
Tabela 1 SOs suportados

Tipo de SO

Arquitetura do sistema

Versão do SO suportada

Suporte para verificação de vulnerabilidades



Windows 10 (64-bit)


Somente o Huawei Cloud Workspace pode usar este sistema operacional.


Windows 11 (64-bit)


Somente o Huawei Cloud Workspace pode usar este sistema operacional.


Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit English (40 GB)

Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit Chinese (40 GB)

Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64-bit English (40 GB)

Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64-bit Chinese (40 GB)

Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit English (40 GB)

Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit Chinese (40 GB)

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64-bit English (40 GB)

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64-bit Chinese (40 GB)

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64-bit English (40 GB)

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64-bit Chinese (40 GB)



CentOS 7.4 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.5 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.6 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.7 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.8 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.9 (64-bit)

CentOS 8.0 (64-bit)


CentOS 8.1 (64-bit)


CentOS 8.2 (64-bit)


CentOS 8 (64-bit)


CentOS 9 (64-bit)


Debian 9 (64-bit)

Debian 10 (64-bit)

Debian 11.0.0 (64-bit)

Debian 11.1.0 (64-bit)

EulerOS 2.2 (64-bit)

EulerOS 2.3 (64-bit)

EulerOS 2.5 (64-bit)

EulerOS 2.7 (64-bit)


EulerOS 2.9 (64-bit)

Fedora 28 (64-bit)


Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit)

Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)

Ubuntu 20.03 (64-bit)


Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit)

Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit)


Red Hat 7.4 (64-bit)


Red Hat 7.6 (64-bit)


Red Hat 8.0 (64-bit)


Red Hat 8.7 (64-bit)


OpenEuler 20.03 LTS (64-bit)


OpenEuler 22.03 SP3 (64-bit)


OpenEuler 22.03 (64-bit)


AlmaLinux 9.0 (64-bit)


Rocky Linux 8.4 (64-bit)


Rocky Linux 8.5 (64-bit)


Rocky Linux 9.0 (64-bit)


HCE 2.0 (64-bit)


SUSE 12 SP5 (64-bit)

SUSE 15 SP2 (64-bit)

SUSE 15.5 (64-bit)


CentOS 7.4 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.5 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.6 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.7 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.8 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.9 (64-bit)

CentOS 8.0 (64-bit)


CentOS 8.1 (64-bit)


CentOS 8.2 (64-bit)


CentOS 9 (64-bit)


EulerOS 2.8 (64-bit)

EulerOS 2.9 (64-bit)

Fedora 29 (64-bit)


Ubuntu 18 (64-bit)


Kylin V7 (64-bit)


Kylin V10 (64-bit)

HCE 2.0 (64-bit)


UnionTech OS V20 (64-bit)

√ (Edições E e D do servidor UOS V20)

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