Updated on 2023-10-08 GMT+08:00


Billing Item

Instance resources include vCPU, memory, and GPU. You are charged based on the actual instance specifications you apply for and the actual running duration (by second) of your instance. The charging duration starts from the time when the container image is downloaded (docker pull) to the time when your CCI instance is stopped.

Billing Mode

CCI supports pay-per-use or package-based billing. For details, see Product Pricing Details.

Currently, CCI is billed on a pay-per-use basis.

A core-hour indicates the number of vCPUs multiplied by time. For example, 730 core-hours mean that you can use 730 vCPUs for one hour or one vCPU for 730 hours.
  • 1 core-hour = 1 x 3600 core-seconds
  • 1 core-hour indicates that a vCPU is used for one hour.
  • A core-second indicates that a vCPU is used for one second.

Pay-per-use billing

You will be charged by second for each instance and the billing statistics are presented by hour.