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Updated on 2024-06-28 GMT+08:00

Billing Examples

Scenario 1

At 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023, a user uses a pay-per-use public resource pool for training. The configuration is as follows:

  • Flavor: CPU: 2 vCPUs 8GB 50GB
  • Number of compute nodes: 1

The training job is stopped on March 20, 2023 at 10:30:00. How much is the total cost of the public resource pool in March?


From 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023 to 9:00:00 on March 20, 2023, you are billed for flavor CPU: 2 vCPUs 8GB 50GB and one node. The unit price is $0.15 USD/hour and the billing duration is 41.5 hours. The fee is calculated as follows:

$0.15 USD/hour x 41.5 hours = $6.225 USD

The total fee generated by the dedicated resource pool in March is $6.225 USD.

Scenario 2

At 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023, a user purchases a pay-per-use dedicated resource pool. The configuration is as follows:

  • Flavor: CPU: 8 vCPUs 32GB (modelarts.vm.cpu.8ud)
  • Number of compute nodes: 1

After a period of time, the user finds that the specifications cannot meet service requirements and adds one node on March 20, 2023 at 9:00:00. At 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023, the user changes the billing mode of the dedicated resource pool to yearly/monthly. The purchase duration is one month. After expiration, the user will unsubscribe from the dedicated resource pool. How much is the total fee generated by the dedicated resource pool from March to April?


The usage of the dedicated resource pool can be divided into two phases based on the billing mode. The pay-per-use billing mode is used from 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023 to 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023. The yearly/monthly billing mode is used from 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023 to 23:59:59 on April 20, 2023.


From 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023 to 9:00:00 March 20, 2023, you are billed for flavor CPU: 8 vCPUs 32GB and one node. The unit price is $0.66 USD/hour and the billing duration is 41.5 hours. The fee is calculated as follows:

$0.66 USD x 41.5 hours = $27.39 USD

From 9:00:00 on March 20, 2023 to 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023, you are billed for flavor CPU: 8 vCPUs 32GB and two nodes. The unit price is $1.32 USD/hour and the billing duration is 1.5 hours. The fee is calculated as follows:

$1.32 USD/hour x 1.5 hours = $1.98 USD


From 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023 to 23:59:59 on April 20, 2023, the yearly/monthly billing mode is used for one month. The unit price is $625.10 USD. The fee is calculated as follows:

$625.10 USD x 1 = $625.10 USD

The total fee of the dedicated resource pool from March to April is 27.39 + 1.98 + 625.10 = $654.47 USD.

Scenario 3

A company needs to use ModelArts to train and develop models and deploy services. A resource pool with flavor CPU: 8 vCPUs 32GB is used for one month (30 days). The company wants to know which billing mode is more cost-effective.


The following shows the expenditure details of the pay-per-use and yearly/monthly billing modes.

The unit price in this case is for reference only, and the calculated fee is an estimated value. The actual data is subject to that released on the Huawei Cloud official website.

When ModelArts is used for AI development, data is stored in OBS, EVS, or SFS. In this case, storage fees are generated based on the OBS, EVS, and SFS billing standards.

Billing Mode

Calculation Rule

Billing Cycle

Fee Calculation


Compute resource fee: Specification unit price x Duration

Hourly fee

Compute resource fee: $1.3023 USD/hour x 720 hours = $937.656 USD


Compute resource fee: Specification unit price x Duration

Monthly fee

Compute resource fee: $625.10 USD/month x 1 month = $625.10 USD

This table shows that the yearly/monthly billing is more effective when you have long-term resource demand. The longer the resource package is purchased, the more the discount is.