Help Center/ ModelArts/ Billing/ Billing FAQs/ How Do I Stop Billing for a ModelArts ExeML Project?
Updated on 2023-11-30 GMT+08:00

How Do I Stop Billing for a ModelArts ExeML Project?

  • For ExeML jobs created using a public resource pool:
    • Log in to the ModelArts management console. In the ExeML job list, delete the target ExeML job. In the training job list, stop the training jobs created for running the ExeML job. In the real-time service list, stop the services created for running the ExeML job. After these operations are complete, the billing is stopped.
    • Log in to the OBS management console, access your OBS bucket, and delete the data stored in the OBS bucket. After these operations are complete, the billing is stopped.
  • For ExeML jobs created using a dedicated resource pool:
    • Log in to the ModelArts management console. In the ExeML job list, delete the target ExeML job. In the training job list, stop the training jobs created for running the ExeML job. In the real-time service list, stop the services created for running the ExeML job. In the resource pool list, delete the dedicated resource pool that is running the target ExeML job. After these operations are complete, the billing is stopped.
    • Log in to the OBS management console, access your OBS bucket, and delete the data stored in the OBS bucket. After these operations are complete, the billing is stopped.