Updated on 2023-09-25 GMT+08:00


In this document, you will learn about how CCM certificates are billed, how you can renew subscriptions and manage costs, and what happens if your account goes into arrears.

  • Billing modes

    CCM provides two billing modes: one-time billing and pay-per-use billing for you to meet your needs. SSL certificates are one-off billing products. You will need to pay a one-time fee based on the certificate type, certificate authority, domain type, domain quantity, and purchased duration. You will be billed based on how many private CAs and private certificates you use. For details about billing modes, see Billing Modes.

  • Billing items

    In CCM, the billing items for SCM include SSL certificates and free certificate expansion packages The billing items of private certificate management consist of the private CA fee and private certificate fee. For details about the billing factors and formulas of each billing item, see Billing Items.

    For details about billing examples and how the fee is calculated for each billing item in different billing modes, see Billing Examples.

  • Renewing subscriptions

    An expired SSL certificate cannot protect your service. If you want to continue using the SSL certificate, you need to renew the SSL certificate within a specified period. You can enable auto-renewal for it or manually renew it on the console. For more information about renewal, see Renewal Overview.

  • Bills

    To learn about your expenditures, go to Billing Center > Billing, and view the transactions and billing details related to CCM. For details, see Viewing Bills.

  • Arrears

    If there is not a sufficient account balance to pay for your bill and there is no other payment method configured, your account will go into arrears. If your account is in arrears, the service cannot work. You need to top up your account in a timely manner. For details, see About Arrears.

  • Billing termination

If you no longer need a cloud service resource, you can unsubscribe from or delete it to stop the billing. For details, see Billing Termination.

  • Cost management

    You can manage costs from cost composition, allocation, analysis, and optimization. For details, see Cost Management.