Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Downloading a Certificate

RDS for MySQL allows you to download a certificate.

Downloading a Certificate

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.
  3. Click Service List. Under Database, click Relational Database Service. The RDS console is displayed.
  4. On the Instance Management page, click the target DB instance. The Basic Information page is displayed.
  5. In the DB Information area, click in the SSL field to download the root certificate or certificate bundle.

    • Since April 2017, RDS has offered a new root certificate that has a 20-year validation period. The new certificate takes effect after DB instances are rebooted. Replace the old certificate before it expires to improve system security.

      For details, see section How Can I Identify the Validity Period of an SSL Root Certificate?

    • You can also download the certificate bundle, which contains both the new certificate provided since April 2017 and the old certificate.