Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Enhanced Functions

This section describes the built-in plugin PG_PERMISSIONS, table partitioning optimization, and parallel query optimization added to PostgreSQL Enhanced Edition on the basis of PostgreSQL 11 open-source edition.

Table Partitioning Optimization

  • Supported for partitions based on hash keys
  • Supported for partition tables PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, INDEXES, and TRIGGERS
  • Supported for creation of "default" partitions
  • Supported for INSERT ON CONFLICT
  • Supported for automatic movement of records affected by UPDATE to the correct partition
  • Supported for intelligent parallel JOIN (enable_partitionwise_join must be enabled)

Parallel Query Optimization

PostgreSQL Enhanced Edition improves the parallel query performance, as well as the performance of parallel sequential scan, hash connection, and partition data scan. If underlying queries are unparalleled, PostgreSQL can run UNION in parallel for SELECT queries. The following functions are supported:

  • Supported for parallel processing of creating B-tree indexes
  • CREATE TABLE ... AS, CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW, and some queries supported for parallel UNION
  • Supported for parallel hash join