Updated on 2022-08-12 GMT+08:00

Using ClickHouse to Import and Export Data

Using ClickHouse to Import and Export Data

This section describes the basic syntax and usage of the SQL statements for importing and exporting file data using ClickHouse.

  • Importing data in CSV format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number --secure --format_csv_delimiter="CSV file delimiter" --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT CSV" < Host path where the CSV file is stored

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 --secure --format_csv_delimiter="," --query="INSERT INTO testdb.csv_table FORMAT CSV" < /opt/data.csv

    You need to create a table in advance.

  • Exporting data in CSV format

    Exporting data files in CSV format may cause CSV injection. Exercise caution when performing this operation.

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM Table name" > CSV file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table" > /opt/test.csv
  • Importing data in Parquet format

    cat Parquet file | clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT Parquet"

    cat /opt/student.parquet | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO parquet_tab001 FORMAT Parquet"
  • Exporting data in Parquet format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="select * from Table name FORMAT Parquet" > Parquet file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="select * from test_table FORMAT Parquet" > /opt/student.parquet
  • Importing data in ORC format

    cat ORC file path | clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT ORC"

    cat /opt/student.orc | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO orc_tab001 FORMAT ORC"
    # Data in the ORC file can be exported from HDFS. For example:
    hdfs dfs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/hivedb.db/emp_orc/000000_0_copy_1 | clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="INSERT INTO orc_tab001 FORMAT ORC"
  • Exporting data in ORC format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="select * from Table name FORMAT ORC" > ORC file export path

    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="select * from csv_tab001 FORMAT ORC" > /opt/student.orc
  • Importing data in JSON format

    INSERT INTO Table name FORMAT JSONEachRow JSON string 1 JSON string 2

    INSERT INTO test_table001 FORMAT JSONEachRow {"PageViews":5, "UserID":"4324182021466249494", "Duration":146,"Sign":-1} {"UserID":"4324182021466249494","PageViews":6,"Duration":185,"Sign":1}
  • Exporting data in JSON format

    clickhouse client --host Host name or IP address of the ClickHouse instance --database Database name --port Port number -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM Table name FORMAT JSON|JSONEachRow|JSONCompact|..." > JSON file export path

    # Export JSON file.
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSON" > /opt/test.json
    # Export json(JSONEachRow).
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSONEachRow" > /opt/test_jsoneachrow.json
    # Export json(JSONCompact).
    clickhouse client --host --database testdb --port 21427 -m --secure --query="SELECT * FROM test_table FORMAT JSONCompact" > /opt/test_jsoncompact.json