Updated on 2022-08-06 GMT+08:00


Access a DCS Redis instance through Redisson on an ECS in the same VPC. For more information about how to use other Redis clients, visit the Redis official website.

  • If a password was set during DCS Redis instance creation, configure the password for connecting to Redis using Redisson. Do not hard code the plaintext password.
  • To connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster instance, use the useSingleServer method of the SingleServerConfig object of Redisson. To connect to a Redis Cluster instance, use the useClusterServers method of the ClusterServersConfig object.


  • A DCS Redis instance has been created and is in the Running state.
  • An ECS has been created. For details about how to create an ECS, see Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.
  • If the ECS runs the Linux OS, ensure that the Java compilation environment has been installed on the ECS.


  1. View the IP address/domain name and port number of the DCS Redis instance to be accessed.

    For details, see Viewing Details of a DCS Instance.

  2. Log in to the ECS.
  3. Use Maven to add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:


  4. Configure the connection pool.

    Recommended keepalive configurations:

    # ping connection interval. Configuring this parameter will increase Redis load. Set a value based on the number of connections. The more the connections, the larger the value. Minimum value: 1000. If the number of active Redis connections exceeds 5000, do not set this parameter.
    pingConnectionInterval: 3000

    The following is a configuration example for a single-node instance. (Set the timeout interval and connection pool size based on the site requirements. The following settings are examples only.)

                        # Connection timeout, in milliseconds.
                        connectTimeout: 10000
                        # Command waiting timeout, in milliseconds.
                        timeout: 3000
                        # Number of retry times upon a command failure.
                        retryAttempts: 3
                        # Interval for retrying sending commands, in milliseconds.
                        retryInterval: 1500
                        # Minimum number of idle connections.
                        connectionMinimumIdleSize: 30
                        # Connection pool size.
                        connectionPoolSize: 50
                       # Redis database ID.
                        database: 0
                       # DNS monitoring interval, in milliseconds.
                        dnsMonitoringInterval: 5000
                    # ping connection interval.
                    pingConnectionInterval: 3000

    The following is a configuration example for a cluster instance. (Set the timeout interval and connection pool size based on the site requirements.)

                        # Idle connection timeout, in milliseconds.
                        idleConnectionTimeout: 100000
                        # Connection timeout, in milliseconds.
                        connectTimeout: 10000
                        # Command waiting timeout, in milliseconds.
                        timeout: 3000
                        # Number of retry times upon a command failure.
                        retryAttempts: 3
                        # Interval for retrying sending commands, in milliseconds.
                        retryInterval: 1500
                        # Interval for reconnecting a replica node upon a failure.
                        failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
                        # Interval for checking a replica node upon a failure.
                        failedSlaveCheckInterval: 60000
                        # Maximum number of subscriptions per connection.
                        subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
                        #  Client name.
                        clientName: null
                        #  Minimum number of idle pub/sub connections.
                        subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
                        #  Pub/Sub connection pool size.
                        subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
                        # Minimum number of idle connections per replica node.
                        slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
                        # Connection pool size per replica node.
                        slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
                        # Minimum number of idle connections of the master node.
                        masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
                        # Connection pool size of the master node.
                        masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
                        #  Master node status scan interval, in milliseconds.
                        scanInterval: 1000
                        # ping connection interval.
                        pingConnectionInterval: 3000
                        # Whether to keep the connection alive.
                        keepAlive: false
                        # The tcpNoDelay setting is enabled by default.
                        tcpNoDelay: false

  5. Access the DCS instance by using Redisson (a Java client).

    • Example of using Redisson to connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster DCS Redis instance with a single connection
      Config config = new Config();
      SingleServerConfig singleServerConfig = config.useSingleServer();
      // singleServerConfig.setPassword("********");
      RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
      //Test concurrentMap. Data is synchronized to Redis when the put method is used.
      ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      map.put("wanger", "male");
      map.put("zhangsan", "nan");
      map.put("lisi", "female");
      ConcurrentMap resultMap = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      System.out.println("resultMap==" + resultMap.keySet());
      //Test Set
      Set mySet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      Set resultSet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      System.out.println("resultSet===" + resultSet.size());
      //Test Queue
      Queue myQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      Queue resultQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      System.out.println("resultQueue===" + resultQueue);
      //Close the connection.
    • Example of using Redisson to connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster DCS Redis instance with connection pooling
      //1. Initialization
      Config config = new Config();
      SingleServerConfig singleServerConfig = config.useSingleServer();
      //Set the maximum number of connections in the connection pool of the master node to 500.
      //The connections will be automatically closed and removed from the connection pool. The time unit is millisecond.
      RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
      //Test concurrentMap. Data is synchronized to Redis when the put method is used.
      ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      map.put("wanger", "male");
      map.put("zhangsan", "nan");
      map.put("lisi", "female");
      ConcurrentMap resultMap = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      System.out.println("resultMap==" + resultMap.keySet());
      //Test Set
      Set mySet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      Set resultSet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      System.out.println("resultSet===" + resultSet.size());
      //Test Queue
      Queue myQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      Queue resultQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      System.out.println("resultQueue===" + resultQueue);
      //Close the connection.
    • Example of using Redisson to connect to a Redis Cluster
      Config config = new Config();
      ClusterServersConfig clusterServersConfig = config.useClusterServers();
      //Set a password.
      // clusterServersConfig.setPassword("********");
      RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
      ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      map.put("wanger", "male");
      map.put("zhangsan", "nan");
      map.put("lisi", "female");
      ConcurrentMap resultMap = redisson.getMap("FirstMap");
      System.out.println("resultMap==" + resultMap.keySet());
      //2. Test Set
      Set mySet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      Set resultSet = redisson.getSet("MySet");
      System.out.println("resultSet===" + resultSet.size());
      //3. Test Queue
      Queue myQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      Queue resultQueue = redisson.getQueue("FirstQueue");
      System.out.println("resultQueue===" + resultQueue);
      //Close the connection.