Updated on 2022-08-06 GMT+08:00


Access a Redis Cluster instance through Lettuce on an ECS in the same VPC. For more information on how to use other Redis clients, visit https://redis.io/clients.

If a password was set during DCS Redis instance creation, configure the password for connecting to Redis using Lettuce. Do not hard code the plaintext password.

To connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster instance, use the RedisClient object of Lettuce. To connect to a Redis Cluster instance, use the RedisClusterClient object.


  • The DCS Redis instance you want to access is in the Running state.
  • An ECS has been created. For more information on how to create ECSs, see the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.
  • If the ECS runs the Linux OS, ensure that the Java compilation environment has been installed on the ECS.


  1. View the IP address/domain name and port number of the DCS Redis instance to be accessed.

    For details, see Viewing Details of a DCS Instance.

  2. Log in to the ECS.
  3. Use Maven to add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:


  4. Use Lettuce (a Java client) to connect to the DCS instance.

    • Example of using Lettuce to connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster DCS Redis instance with a single connection
      // password indicates the connection password. If there is no password, delete "password@". If there is a password and it contains special characters, conversion is required.
      RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create("redis://password@host:port");
      StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redisClient.connect();
      RedisCommands<String, String> syncCommands = connection.sync();
      syncCommands.set("key", "value");
      System.out.println("Connected to Redis:" + syncCommands.get("key"));
      // Close the connection.
      // Close the client.
    • Example of using Lettuce to connect to a single-node, master/standby, or Proxy Cluster DCS Redis instance with connection pooling
      // password indicates the connection password. If there is no password, delete "password@". If there is a password and it contains special characters, conversion is required.
      RedisClient clusterClient = RedisClient.create("redis://password@host:port");
      GenericObjectPoolConfig<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>> genericObjectPoolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
      // Connection pool parameters
      GenericObjectPool<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>> pool = ConnectionPoolSupport
              .createGenericObjectPool(() -> clusterClient.connect(), genericObjectPoolConfig);
      // Obtain a connection to perform operations.
      try (StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> con = pool.borrowObject()) {
          RedisCommands<String, String> sync = con.sync();
      	sync.set("key", "value");
          System.out.println("Connected by pool:" + sync.get("key"));
      } catch (Exception e) {
      }finally {
          // Close the resources.
    • Example of using Lettuce to connect to a Redis Cluster
      // password indicates the connection password. If there is no password, delete "password@". If there is a password and it contains special characters, conversion is required.
      RedisClusterClient redisClient = RedisClusterClient.create("redis://password@host:port");
      StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = redisClient.connect();
      RedisAdvancedClusterCommands<String, String> syncCommands = connection.sync();
      syncCommands.set("key", "value");
      System.out.println("Connected to RedisCluster:"+syncCommands.get("key"));
      // Close the connection.
      // Close the client.