Adding and Executing a Job
This API is used to add and submit a job in an MRS cluster.

- On the Dashboard tab page of the cluster details page, click Click to synchronize on the right side of IAM User Sync to synchronize IAM users. Then submit a job through this API.
- Format
- Parameter description
Table 1 URI parameter description Parameter
Project ID. For details on how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
Cluster ID. For details on how to obtain the cluster ID, see Obtaining a Cluster ID.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
job_type |
Yes |
String |
Type of a job.
Spark, Hive, and Flink jobs can be added to only clusters that include Spark, Hive, and Flink components. |
job_name |
Yes |
String |
Job name. It contains 1 to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
Identical job names are allowed but not recommended. |
arguments |
No |
Array |
Key parameter for program execution. The parameter is specified by the function of the user's program. MRS is only responsible for loading the parameter. The parameter contains a maximum of 4,096 characters, excluding special characters such as ;|&>'<$, and can be left blank.
properties |
No |
Object |
Program system parameter. The parameter contains a maximum of 2,048 characters, excluding special characters such as ><|'`&!\, and can be left blank. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
job_submit_result |
Object |
Job execution result |
job_id |
String |
Job ID |
state |
String |
Job submission status.
error_msg |
String |
Error message |
error_code |
String |
Error code |
You must have prepared the OBS paths, sample files, endpoints, and AKs/SKs when submitting a request.
- Example request
The following is an example of a MapReduce job request:
{ "job_name":"MapReduceTest", "job_type":"MapReduce", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/program/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-x.x.x.jar", "wordcount", "obs://obs-test/input/", "obs://obs-test/job/mapreduce/output" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkSubmit job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkSubmitTest", "job_type":"SparkSubmit", "arguments":[ "--master", "yarn", "--deploy-mode", "cluster", "--py-files", "obs://obs-test/", "--conf", "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYTHONPATH=/tmp:$PYTHONPATH", "--conf", "", "--conf", "", "--properties-file", "obs://obs-test/test-spark.conf", "obs://obs-test/", "100000" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a HiveScript job request:
{ "job_name":"HiveScriptTest", "job_type":"HiveScript", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/sql/test_script.sql" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a HiveSQL job request:
{ "job_name":"HiveSqlTest", "job_type":"HiveSql", "arguments": [ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS src_wordcount;\ncreate external table src_wordcount(line string) row format delimited fields terminated by \"\\n\" stored as textfile location \"obs://donotdel-gxc/input/\";\ninsert into src_wordcount values(\"v1\");" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a DistCp job request:
{ "job_name":"DistCpTest", "job_type":"DistCp", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/DistcpJob/", "/user/test/sparksql/" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkScript job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkScriptTest", "job_type":"SparkScript", "arguments":[ "op-key1", "op-value1", "op-key2", "op-value2", "obs://obs-test/sql/test_script.sql" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkSQL job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkSqlTest", "job_type":"SparkSql", "arguments":[ "op-key1", "op-value1", "op-key2", "op-value2", "create table student_info3 (id string,name string,gender string,age int,addr string);" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a Flink job request:
{ "job_name":"FlinkTest", "job_type":"Flink", "arguments":[ "run", "-d", "-ynm", "testExcutorejobhdfsbatch", "-m", "yarn-cluster", "hdfs://test/examples/batch/WordCount.jar" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following shows an example request of a SparkPython job (Jobs of this type will be converted to SparkSubmit jobs for submission. The job type is displayed as SparkSubmit on the MRS console. Select SparkSubmit when you call an API to query the job list.)POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions { "job_name" : "SparkPythonTest", "job_type" : "SparkPython", "arguments" : [ "--master", "yarn", "--deploy-mode", "cluster", "--py-files", "obs://obs-test/", "--conf", "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYTHONPATH=/tmp:$PYTHONPATH", "--conf", "", "--conf", "", "--properties-file", "obs://obs-test/test-spark.conf", "obs://obs-test/", "100000" ], "properties" : { "fs.obs.access.key" : "xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key" : "yyy" } }
- Example response
- Example of a successful response
{ "job_submit_result":{ "job_id":"44b37a20-ffe8-42b1-b42b-78a5978d7e40", "state":"COMPLETE" } }
- Example of a failed response
{ "error_msg": Hive jobs cannot be submitted. "error_code":"0168" }
- Example of a successful response
Status Code
For details about status codes, see Status Codes.
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