Updated on 2022-08-17 GMT+08:00

API Overview

DDM provides REST APIs. With DDM APIs, you can use all DDM functions, including creating DDM instances and schemas.

Table 1 API description




APIs for managing DDM instances

Creating a DDM instance

This API is used to create DDM instances.

DDM runs in VPCs. Before applying for a DDM instance, ensure that a VPC is available and a subnet and security group have been configured.

Querying DDM instances

This API is used to query DDM instances.

Querying details of a DDM instance

This API is used to query the details about a DDM instance.

Modifying the name of a DDM instance

This API is used to modify the name of an existing DDM instance.

Modifying the security group of a DDM instance

This API is used to modify inbound and outbound rules of the security group of the DDM instance.

Deleting a DDM instance

This API is used to delete a DDM instance to release all its resources.

Restarting a DDM instance

This API is used to restart a DDM instance.

Reloading table data

This API is used to reload table data of the required DDM instance for cross-region DR.

Scaling out a DDM instance

This API is used to add nodes to a specified DDM instance.

Scaling in a DDM instance

This API is used to remove nodes from a specified DDM instance.

APIs for managing schemas

Creating a schema

This API is used to create a schema.

Before creating a schema, ensure that there is an RDS DB instance available and that the instance is running properly and not associated with any DDM instance.

Querying schemas of a DDM instance

This API is used to query schemas of a DDM instance.

Querying details of a schema

This API is used to query the details about a schema.

Deleting a schema

This API is used to delete a schema to release all its resources.

APIs for scaling out a schema

Querying available DB instances

This API is used to query DB instances that be selected for scaling out a schema

Querying the last scaling task

This API is used to query the latest scale-out task of a schema.

Querying the current scaling task

This API is used to query the current scaling task of a schema.

Issuing a scale-out task

This API is used to issue a scale-out task for a schema.

Canceling a scale-out task

This API is used to cancel a scale-out task of a schema.

Rolling back a scale-out task

This API is used to roll back a scale-out task for a schema.

Clearing metadata after a schema is scaled out

This API is used to clear metadata after a schema scaling task is complete.

Retrying a scale-out task

This API is used to retry a scale-out task for a schema.

APIs for managing DDM accounts

Creating a DDM account

This API is used to create a DDM account. DDM accounts are used to connect to and manage schemas. One DDM account can be associated with multiple schemas.

Querying DDM accounts

This API is used to query DDM accounts.

Modifying a DDM account

This API is used to modify the permissions and associated schemas of a DDM account.

Deleting a DDM account

This API is used to delete a DDM account. This operation will also disassociate the account from schemas if any.