Help Center/ ModelArts/ FAQs/ Data Management (Old Version)/ Where Are Labeling Results Stored?
Updated on 2024-06-15 GMT+08:00

Where Are Labeling Results Stored?

The ModelArts console provides data visualization capabilities, which allows you to view detailed data and labeling information on the console. To learn more about the path for storing labeling results, see the following description.


When creating a dataset in ModelArts, set both Input Dataset Path and Output Dataset Path to OBS.

  • Input Dataset Path: OBS path where the raw data is stored.
  • Output Dataset Path: Under this path, directories are generated based on the dataset version after data is labeled in ModelArts and datasets are published. The manifest files (containing data and labeling information) used in ModelArts are also stored in this path. For details about the files, see Directory Structure of Dataset Versions.


  1. Log in to the ModelArts console and choose Data Management > Datasets.
  2. Select your desired dataset and click the triangle icon on the left of the dataset name to expand the dataset details. You can obtain the OBS path set for Output Dataset Path.

    Before obtaining labeling results, ensure that at least one dataset version is available.

    Figure 1 Dataset details
  3. Log in to the OBS console and locate the directory of the corresponding dataset version from the OBS path obtained in 2 to obtain the labeling result of the dataset.
    Figure 2 Obtaining the labeling result