Help Center/ ModelArts/ FAQs/ Billing/ How Do I View the ModelArts Jobs Being Billed?
Updated on 2024-06-15 GMT+08:00

How Do I View the ModelArts Jobs Being Billed?

Log in to the ModelArts management console. In the navigation pane on the left, click Dashboard and view the jobs that are being billed. Go to the management page and stop them based on site requirements. For example, if a notebook instance is being billed, choose DevEnviron > Notebook, and stop the running notebook instance.

Figure 1 Viewing jobs that are being billed

The following items will be billed when you use ModelArts:

  • ExeML: ExeML is billed when it is running. After using ExeML, stop it and the training jobs and services created for running ExeML. Additionally, clear the data stored in OBS.
  • Notebook instances:
    • Running notebook instances are billed. To stop billing a notebook instance, stop or delete it. If EVS is used for storage, clear the data stored in EVS.
    • You will be billed for a paid flavor when you try CodeLab. To stop billing the flavor, stop the notebook instance on the JupyterLab page.
  • Training jobs: Running training job are billed. To stop billing a training job, stop it. Additionally, clear the data stored in OBS.
  • Deployed services: If a model is deployed as a real-time service, the service will be billed. To stop the billing, stop the deployed service. Additionally, clear the data stored in OBS.
  • Dedicated resource pools: If you have purchased a dedicated resource pool in ModelArts for AI development and use this resource pool for running ExeML jobs, notebook instances, training jobs, and deployed services, the compute resources used in these operations will be billed via the dedicated resource pool. A pay-per-use dedicated resource pool is billed continuously since it has been created, so delete it if you do not use it.

In addition to the billing items displayed on the Dashboard page of ModelArts, OBS and EVS storage will be separately billed if they are used.

  • To stop billing the OBS resources, go to the OBS management console and clear the data in OBS.
  • To stop billing the EVS storage, go to the ModelArts management console and delete the notebook instances with EVS storage. To stop billing the EVS resources, go to the EVS management console and clear the data in EVS.