Help Center> ModelArts> FAQs> Notebook (New Version)> Data Upload or Download> How Do I Upload a File from a Notebook Instance to OBS or Download a File from OBS to a Notebook Instance?
Updated on 2024-06-15 GMT+08:00

How Do I Upload a File from a Notebook Instance to OBS or Download a File from OBS to a Notebook Instance?

In a notebook instance, you can call the ModelArts MoXing API or SDK to exchange data with OBS for uploading a file to OBS or downloading a file from OBS to the notebook instance.

Figure 1 Uploading or downloading a file

For details about how to upload files using OBS Browser, see Uploading and Downloading Files Through OBS Browser+.

Method 1: Using MoXing to Upload and Download a File

Developed by the ModelArts team, MoXing is a distributed training acceleration framework built on open-source deep learning engines such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. MoXing makes model coding easier and more efficient.

MoXing provides a set of file object APIs for reading and writing OBS files.

For details about the mapping between MoXing APIs and native APIs and how to call APIs, see MoXing File Operations.

Sample code:

import moxing as mox

# Download the OBS folder sub_dir_0 from OBS to a notebook instance.
mox.file.copy_parallel('obs://bucket_name/sub_dir_0', '/home/ma-user/work/sub_dir_0')
# Download the OBS file obs_file.txt from OBS to a notebook instance.
mox.file.copy('obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt', '/home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt')

# Upload the OBS folder sub_dir_0 from a notebook instance to OBS.
mox.file.copy_parallel('/home/ma-user/work/sub_dir_0', 'obs://bucket_name/sub_dir_0')
# Upload the OBS file obs_file.txt from a notebook instance to OBS.
mox.file.copy('/home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt', 'obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt')

Method 2: Using SDK to Upload and Download a File

Call the ModelArts SDK for downloading a file from OBS.

Sample code: Download file1.txt from OBS to /home/ma-user/work/ in the notebook instance. All the bucket name, folder name, and file name are customizable.

from modelarts.session import Session
session = Session()
session.obs.download_file(src_obs_file="obs://bucket-name/dir1/file1.txt", dst_local_dir="/home/ma-user/work/")

Call the ModelArts SDK for downloading a folder from OBS.

Sample code: Download dir1 from OBS to /home/ma-user/work/ in the notebook instance. The bucket name and folder name are customizable.

from modelarts.session import Session
session = Session()
session.obs.download_dir(src_obs_dir="obs://bucket-name/dir1/", dst_local_dir="/home/ma-user/work/")

Call the ModelArts SDK for uploading a file to OBS.

Sample code: Upload file1.txt in the notebook instance to OBS bucket obs://bucket-name/dir1/. All the bucket name, folder name, and file name are customizable.

from modelarts.session import Session
session = Session()
session.obs.upload_file(src_local_file='/home/ma-user/work/file1.txt', dst_obs_dir='obs://bucket-name/dir1/')

Call the ModelArts SDK for uploading a folder to OBS.

Sample code: Upload /work/ in the notebook instance to obs://bucket-name/dir1/work/ of bucket-name. The bucket name and folder name are customizable.

from modelarts.session import Session
session = Session()
session.obs.upload_dir(src_local_dir='/home/ma-user/work/', dst_obs_dir='obs://bucket-name/dir1/')

Error Handling

If you download a file from OBS to your notebook instance and the system displays error message "Permission denied", perform the following operations for troubleshooting:

Data Upload or Download FAQs
