Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

Creating a Spark Job

DLI provides fully-managed Spark computing services by allowing you to execute Spark jobs.

On the Overview page, click Create Job in the upper right corner of the Spark Jobs tab or click Create Job in the upper right corner of the Spark Jobs page. The Spark job editing page is displayed.

Enter the Spark job editing page. A message is displayed, indicating that a temporary DLI data bucket will be created. The created bucket is used to store temporary data generated by DLI, such as job logs and job results. You cannot view job logs if you choose not to create it. You can to periodically delete objects in a bucket or transit objects between different storage classes. The bucket name is set by default.

If you do not need to create a DLI temporary data bucket and do not want to receive this message, select Do not show again and click Cancel.


Upload the dependencies to the corresponding OBS bucket on the Data Management > Package Management page. For details, see Creating a Package.

GUI Description

  • Navigation bar on the left

    On the Spark job creation page, the navigation tree on the left contains the Queues and Packages tab pages.

    Table 1 Description of buttons in the left navigation pane



    Tab/Button Name




    Displays existing queues.



    Displays existing packages.



    Create a queue or a package.



    Refreshes the lists of existing queues and packages.



    On the Packages tab page, enter a package name for search.

  • Job editing window

    In the job editing window, you can set parameters in Fill Form mode or Write API mode.

    The following uses the Fill Form as an example. In Write API mode, refer to the Data Lake Insight API Reference for parameter settings.

    • Select a Queue: For details about the parameters, see Table 2.
      Table 2 Queue parameters




      Select the target queue from the drop-down list box.

    • Job Configurations: Refer to Table 3 for details.
      Table 3 Job configuration parameters



      Job Name

      Set a job name.


      Select the package to be executed. The value can be .jar or .py.

      Main Class

      Enter the name of the main class. When the application type is .jar, the main class name cannot be empty.

      Application Parameters

      User-defined parameter. Separate multiple parameters by Enter.

      Spark Arguments

      Enter a parameter in the format of key=value. Press Enter to separate multiple key-value pairs.

      JAR Package Dependencies

      JAR file on which the Spark job depends

      Python File Dependencies

      py-files on which the Spark job depends

      Other Dependencies

      Other files on which the Spark job depends

      Group Name

      If you select a group when creating a package, you can select all the packages and files in the group. For details about how to create a package, see Creating a Package.


      Indicates whether to retry a failed job.

      If you select Yes, you need to set the following parameters:

      Maximum Retries: Maximum number of retry times. The maximum value is 100.

      Advanced Settings

      • Skip
      • Configure
        • Select Dependency Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 4.
        • Configure Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 5.
      Table 4 Parameters for selecting dependency resources



      Module Name

      Dependency modules provided by DLI for executing datasource connection jobs. To access different services, you need to select different modules.
      • CloudTable/MRS HBase: sys.datasource.hbase
      • CloudTable/MRS OpenTSDB: sys.datasource.opentsdb
      • RDS MySQL: sys.datasource.rds
      • RDS PostGre: sys.datasource.rds
      • DWS: sys.datasource.dws
      • CSS: sys.datasource.css

      Resource Package

      JAR package on which the Spark job depends.

      Table 5 Resource specification parameters



      Resource Specifications

      Select a resource specification from the drop-down list box. The system provides three resource specifications for you to select. The following configuration items in the resource specifications can be modified:

      • Executor Memory
      • Executor Cores
      • Executors
      • Driver Cores
      • Driver Memory

      If modified, your modified settings of the items are used.

      Executor Memory

      Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.

      Executor Cores

      Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.


      Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.

      Driver Cores

      Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.

      Driver Memory

      Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.

      Spark job parameter calculation:

      • Number of CUs = Driver Cores + Executors
      • Memory = Driver Memory + (Executors x Executor Memory)

Creating a Spark Job

  1. In the Spark job editing window, set related parameters. For details, see the description of the Spark job editing window.
  2. Click Execute in the upper right corner of the Spark job editing window to submit the job. The message "The batch job is submitted." is displayed.
  3. (Optional) Go to the Spark Jobs page to view the status and logs of the submitted Spark job.

    After the job is executed successfully, the job record is saved for only 6 hours.