Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

Creating a Queue

Before executing a job, you need to create a queue.

  • If you use a sub-account to create a queue for the first time, log in to the DLI management console using the main account and keep records in the DLI database before creating a queue.
  • It takes 6 to 10 minutes for a job running on a new queue for the first time.
  • After a queue is created, if no job is run within one hour, the system releases the queue.


  1. You can create a queue on the Overview, SQL Editor, or Queue Management page.
    • In the upper right corner of the Overview page, click Create Queue.
    • To create a queue on the Queue Management page:
      1. In the navigation pane of the DLI management console, choose Queue Management.
      2. In the upper right corner of the Queue Management page, click Create Queue to create a queue.
    • To create a queue on the SQL Editor page:
      1. On the top menu bar of the DLI management console, click SQL Editor.
      2. On the left pane of the displayed SQL Editor page, click to the right of Queues.
  2. In the displayed Create Queue dialog box, set related parameters by referring to Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters




    Name of a queue.

    • The queue name can contain only digits, letters, and underscores (_), but cannot contain only digits or start with an underscore (_) or be left unspecified.
    • The length of the name cannot exceed 128 characters.

    Queue Type

    • For SQL: compute resources used for SQL jobs.
    • For general purpose: compute resources used for Spark and Flink jobs.

      You can select Dedicated Resource Mode. In this mode, you can create enhanced datasource connections.

    AZ Mode

    The deployment mode for the DLI queue. Select dual-AZ if you require high availability.

    • Currently, only SQL queues support the dual-AZ policy.
    • Dual-AZ improves data availability by creating a duplicate queue in the second AZ, but at an increased cost (twice as much as that of single AZ mode).
    • This is a one-time configuration and cannot be changed later.

    Queue Specifications Mode

    You can select Default or Custom specifications.

    CU Specifications

    Select queue specifications as required. A CU includes one core and 4 GB memory.

    • Fixed specifications include 16 CUs, 64 CUs, 256 CUs, and 512 CUs.
    • Custom: Set the specifications as required.


    Description of the queue to be created. The length of the queue name cannot exceed 256 characters.

    Advanced Configuration

    • Default: The system automatically configures the parameter.
    • Custom

      CIDR Block: You can specify the CIDR block. For details, see Modifying the Queue CIDR Block. If DLI enhanced datasource connection is used, the CIDR block of the DLI queue cannot overlap with that of the data source.

      Queue Type: When running an AI-related SQL job, select AI-enhanced. When running other jobs, select Basic.

  3. Click Create Now to create a queue.

    After a queue is created, you can view and select the queue for use on the Queue Management page or SQL Editor page.

    It takes 6 to 10 minutes for a job running on a new queue for the first time.