Updated on 2024-10-09 GMT+08:00

Introduction to Doris Logs

Log Description

Log path: The default storage path of Doris logs is /var/log/Bigdata/doris/role name.

  • FE: /var/log/Bigdata/doris/fe (run logs) and /var/log/Bigdata/audit/doris/fe (audit logs)
  • BE: /var/log/Bigdata/doris/be (run logs)
  • DBroker: /var/log/Bigdata/doris/dbroker (run logs)

Log archive rule: The automatic compression and archive function is enabled for Doris logs. By default, when the size of a log file exceeds the specified size (configurable), the log file is automatically compressed. The naming rule of the compressed log file is as follows: Original log file name >-<yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss>. [ID].log.zip. A maximum of 20 latest compressed files are retained. The number of compressed files and compression threshold can be configured.

Table 1 Hive log list

Log type

Log File


Run log


Standard/Error output logs (stdout and stderr)


Main log, including all contents except fe.out


Subset of fe.log. Only WARN and ERROR logs are recorded.


GC logs of the FE process


Work logs before the FE is started


Log file that records whether the FE service is started successfully


Cleanup log file for FE uninstallation


FE process startup logs


FE process stop log


Work logs generated after the FE is installed and before the FE is started


Run log of the BE process


Subset of be.log. Only WARN and FATAL logs are recorded.


GC logs of the BE process


Work logs generated after BE installation and before BE startup


Work logs before BE startup


Cleanup log file for BE uninstallation


BE process startup logs


BE process stop log


Log file that records whether the BE service is started successfully


Standard/Error output logs of the BE process (stdout and stderr)


Logs indicating that the DBroker process is started or stopped properly


DBroker process startup and stop exception logs


Work log before the DBroker is started


Cleanup log file generated during or before DBroker uninstallation


Log file that records whether the DBroker service is started successfully


GC log of the DBroker process


Run log of the DBroker process

Viewing Audit Logs


Audit log, which records all SQL requests received by the FE

Log Levels

Table 2 describes the log levels provided by the Doris.

The priorities of run log levels are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, and INFO in descending order. Logs whose levels are higher than or equal to the set level are printed. The number of printed logs decreases as the set log level increases.

Table 2 Log Levels




FATAL usually indicates a program assertion error.


Logs of this level record error information about system running


Logs of this level record exception information about the current event processing


Logs of this level record normal running status information about the system and events

To change log levels, perform the following operations:

  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager and choose Cluster > Services > Doris > Configurations > All Configurations. The All Configurations page of the Doris service is displayed.
  2. On the menu bar on the left, select the log menu of the target role.
  3. Select a desired log level and save the configuration.
  4. Click DashBoard, choose More > Restart Service, and enter the password of the current user to restart the Doris service.

Log Formats

The Doris log format is as follows:

Table 3 Log format

Log type


Example Value

FE run log

<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS><LogLevel>(Thread name|Thread ID)<Location where the log event occurs>|<message in log>

2023-04-13 11:17:14,371 INFO (tablet stat mgr|34) [TabletStatMgr.runAfterCatalogReady():125] finished to update index row num of all databases. cost: 0 ms

BE run logs

Log level. I indicates INFO, W indicates WARN, and F indicates FATAL|MMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS. Thread ID. Location where a log event occurs. message&gt in log;

I0413 11:26:03.439189 25248 tablet_manager.cpp:895] begin to build all report tablets info

DBroker run log

<MMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS> <Thread ID> <LogLevel><message in log>

2023-04-11 11:43:13 [ main:0 ] - [ INFO ] starting apache hdfs broker....

Viewing Audit Logs

<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS[Operation type] >|<Client>|<User Name>|<Db Name>|<State>|<ErrorCode>|<ErrorMessage>|<Time>|<ScanBytes>|<ScanRows>|<ReturnRows>|<StmtId>|<QueryId>|<IsQuery>|<feIp>|


2023-04-13 10:49:26,410 [query] |Client=|User=root|Db=hivedoris|State=ERR|ErrorCode=1105|ErrorMessage=errCode = 2, detailMessage = ([INTERNAL_ERROR]failed to init reader for file /user/hive/warehouse/hivedoris.db/test/000000_0, err: [INTERNAL_ERROR]connect to hdfs failed. error: (255), Unknown error 255), reason: NullPointerException: |Time=67|ScanBytes=0|ScanRows=0|ReturnRows=0|StmtId=91|QueryId=e1125283f12c4994-a69e3a323044d681|IsQuery=true|feIp=|Stmt=select * from test|CpuTimeMS=0|SqlHash=3bbc220823c3e757002fb9490196cf84|peakMemoryBytes=0|SqlDigest=|TraceId=|FuzzyVariables=