Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Component Operation Guide (LTS)/ Using Flume/ Stopping or Uninstalling the Flume Client
Updated on 2023-04-28 GMT+08:00

Stopping or Uninstalling the Flume Client


You can stop and start the Flume client or uninstall the Flume client when the Flume data ingestion channel is not required.


  • Stop the Flume client of the Flume role.

    Assume that the Flume client installation path is /opt/FlumeClient. Run the following command to stop the Flume client:

    cd /opt/FlumeClient/fusioninsight-flume-Flume component version number/bin

    ./ stop

    If the following information is displayed after the command execution, the Flume client is successfully stopped.

    Stop Flume PID=120689 successful..

    The Flume client will be automatically restarted after being stopped. If you do not need automatic restart, run the following command:

    ./ stop force

    If you want to restart the Flume client, run the following command:

    ./ start force

  • Uninstall the Flume client of the Flume role.

    Assume that the Flume client installation path is /opt/FlumeClient. Run the following command to uninstall the Flume client:

    cd /opt/FlumeClient/fusioninsight-flume-Flume component version number/inst
