Updated on 2023-10-13 GMT+08:00

Registering Solutions

The partner architect registers a solution, selects the corresponding certification test process, and completes the solution architecture design.

If a solution has been automatically created on the seller console, use the default solution directly.


  1. Log in to HaydnCSF as a partner architect, click the name of the created workspace, choose Space Management > Solutions > Create, and create a solution on the Solution Management page.
    Figure 1 Creating a solution
  1. Specify the solution details.
    • Solution Type: Select Joint operations products, Partner-led, or Advanced cloud software as required.
    • Application Service Mode: Select a mode based on the product delivery mode.
    • Reliability Level: Select Medium or High based on the certification test reliability requirements and service reliability requirements.
    • Partner architect: Select an architect for designing architectures from the drop-down list. If an architect cannot be selected, check whether the architect is a member of this workspace. Only members in this workspace can be selected.
    • Partner test engineer: Select a test engineer responsible for the certification from the drop-down list. If a test engineer cannot be selected, check whether the test engineer is a member of this workspace. Only members in this workspace can be selected.
    • Huawei test engineer: Huawei test contact person. Select a Huawei test engineer from the drop-down list. If a test engineer cannot be selected, check whether the test engineer is a member of this workspace. Only members in this workspace can be selected.
    Figure 2 Specifying the solution details (1)
    • Solution Name: Enter the name of a released solution.
    • Applicable Industries: Select one or multiple industries to which the product applies.
    • Deployment Environment: Huawei Cloud, Huawei Cloud Stack, Huawei Cloud Stack Online, and Intelligent EdgeSite (IES) are available. If Huawei Cloud Stack deployment is required, evaluate it during architecture design.
    • Solution Version: version number of the tested solution.
    • Display Cover: Upload the service flowchart of the solution, which is displayed when the solution is exported.
    • Solution Description: Introduce a product solution by referring to the example.
    • Solution Attachment: Upload the Test Required Materials of the solution. To obtain the document, see Certification Notes.
    Figure 3 Specifying the solution details (2)
  1. Click Submit. You can view the new solution on the Solution Management page.