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Change History

Updated on 2024-08-09 GMT+08:00
Table 1 Change history

Released On



This issue is the thirty-fourth official release.

Changed the maximum value of the record_cycle field for FLV and MP4 in the APIs for creating and modifying a recording template.


This issue is the thirty-third official release.

Modified the transcoding template management APIs. Added the request parameters bitrate_adaptive and i_frame_policy, and updated the description of the following parameters: templateName, PVC, hdlb, width, height, iFrameInterval, and gop.


This issue is the thirty-second official release.

Modified the API for querying the duration of transcoded outputs and added the description and request example of resource bill run settled by hour.

Modified the API for querying bandwidth utilization and added the description of querying data generated three hours ago for reconciliation.

Modified the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region and added the description of querying data generated three hours ago for reconciliation.


This issue is the thirty-first official release.

Added the global area to the service_area field in the APIs for creating, modifying, and querying Live domain names.


This issue is the thirtieth official release.

Added the error code LIVE.100011022.


This issue is the twenty-ninth official release.

Modified the description of the API for querying total traffic. Added the description that data query is delayed for about 10 minutes.


This issue is the twenty-eighth official release.

Modified the description of the API for querying the duration of transcoded outputs. Added the description that data about the transcoded output duration is delayed for one hour.


This issue is the twenty-seventh official release.

Changed the maximized user and API request throttling of the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region. The user request throttling is changed from 5 times/second to 50 times/second, and the API request throttling is changed from 15 times/second to 150 times/second.


This issue is the twenty-sixth official release.

  • Added the access control, snapshot, HTTPS certificate, and OBS bucket management API groups.
  • Changed the default values of the default_record_config, hls_config, and record_cycle fields in the APIs for creating and modifying a recording template.


This issue is the twenty-fifth official release.

Modified the description of the record_prefix and record_ts_prefix parameters in the APIs for creating and modifying recording templates.


This issue is the twenty-fourth official release.

  • Added billing description for the APIs for creating a transcoding template and creating a recording template.
  • Added request throttling to the domain name management API in section "Before You Start".


This issue is the twenty-third official release.

  • Added the API for querying CDN upstream streaming quality data.
  • The play_domains parameter of the APIs for querying bandwidth utilization, traffic utilization, the peak bandwidth, and the total playback traffic becomes an optional parameter.
  • Added the service_type parameter to the APIs for querying bandwidth utilization, traffic utilization, the peak bandwidth, the total playback traffic, and number of viewers by stream.
  • Added the type parameter to the API for querying upstream bandwidth.


This issue is the twenty-second official release.

Modified the region/country codes.


This issue is the twenty-first official release.

  • Added the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region.
  • Deleted the parameter type from the API for querying upstream bandwidth.
  • Added the response parameter and request parameter key upon successful requests of the APIs for creating and modifying recording callback configurations.
  • Modified the request example of the API for configuring the IPv6 function for a domain name.
  • Modified the region/country codes.


This issue is the twentieth official release.

Added the type parameter to the API for querying upstream bandwidth.


This issue is the nineteenth official release.

  • Added the AK/SK authentication header to v1 APIs.
  • Brought offline the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region.


This issue is the eighteenth official release.

Deleted the call_back_ssl_ca and call_back_ssl_verify parameters from the recording callback management API.


This issue is the seventeenth official release.

Modified the sample code of the API for querying recording rule configurations and deleted the start_time, project_id, and end_time parameters.


This issue is the sixteenth official release.

Modified the region/country codes.


This issue is the fifteenth official release.

Added the API for creating a video recording index to the recording management API group.


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

  • Modified the description of the area parameter in the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region and the description of the name parameter in the response body.
  • Modified the request throttling restrictions on the API for querying the distribution of livestreaming metrics by region.
  • Changed the maximum query period of the APIs for querying the duration of transcoded outputs, querying recording channels, and querying the number of snapshots to one year.
  • Added the region/country codes.


This issue is the thirteenth official release.

  • Changed the X-request-id parameter in the response headers of all APIs to X-Request-Id.
  • Modified the example response of the API for querying domain names.


This issue is the twelfth official release.

Modified the reference example of the API for querying playback profiles.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

Modified the status code of successfully deleting a Live transcoding template to 200.


This issue is the tenth official release.

  • Adjusted the user and API request throttling of the API for querying ongoing streams. The user request throttling is changed from 4000 times/minute to 1000 times/minute, and the API request throttling is changed from 8000 times/minute to 2000 times/minute.
  • Adjusted the user and API request throttling of the API for resuming a push stream. The user request throttling is changed from 4000 times/minute to 3000 times/minute, and the API request throttling is changed from 8000 times/minute to 6000 times/minute.
  • Adjusted the user and API request throttling of the API for querying disabled streams. The user request throttling is changed from 300 times/minute to 3000 times/minute, and the API request throttling is changed from 3000 times/minute to 6000 times/minute.
  • Adjusted the API request throttling of the APIs for disabling a push stream and modifying the attribute of a disabled stream. The API request throttling is changed from 8000 times/minute to 12,000 times/minute.


This issue is the ninth official release.

Deleted the API for querying the number of transcoding tasks.


This issue is the eighth official release.

Added the API for querying stream analytics to stream analytics APIs.


This issue is the seventh official release.
  • Modified the recording management APIs and deleted PLAN_RECORD and ON_DEMAND_RECORD.
  • Modified the recording callback management APIs and deleted on_demand_callback_url.
  • Added statistics analysis APIs and stream analytics APIs.


This issue is the sixth official release.

Modified the description of the domain parameter in the stream management APIs and transcoding template management APIs. This parameter specifies an ingest domain name.


This issue is the fifth official release.

  • The default_record_config parameter is mandatory in the API for creating a recording rule.
  • Modified the description of the offset and limit parameters in the APIs for listing recording callbacks and recording rules.


This issue is the fourth official release.

Revised description of endpoints in section "Before You Start".


This issue is the third official release.

  • Added the API for submitting a recording command to section "Recording Management".
  • Added parameters including video_frame_rate and audio_frame_rate to the API for querying ongoing streams.


This issue is the second official release.

Modified the format of the record_format parameter in the API for creating a recording template. The parameter value can contain only uppercase letters.


This issue is the first official release.

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