Updated on 2023-05-06 GMT+08:00

API Overview

APIs provided by FRS comply with RESTful API design specifications. Table 1 lists the APIs.

Table 1 FRS APIs




Face Detection

Face detection

This API detects and analyzes faces in an input image and outputs the positions of the faces in the image. If an image contains multiple faces, all facial features that meet the search criteria are returned.

Face Verification

Face verification

This API is used to compare two faces to verify whether they belong to the same person and return the confidence level. If each input image contains multiple faces, the API selects the largest face for comparison.

Face LiveDetect

Face live detecting

This API is used to determine whether a person in a video is alive by checking whether the person's actions in the video are consistent with those in the input action list. If multiple faces appear, the largest face is selected.

Face Retrieval

Face retrieval

This API is used to search an existing facial image library for one or more faces similar to the input face, and return corresponding confidence levels.

Facial Image Library Management

Creating a facial image library

This API is used to create a facial image library for storing facial features. You can create a maximum of 10 facial image libraries. Each library can contain a maximum of 100,000 facial features.

Querying all facial image libraries

This API is used to query the statuses of all facial image libraries of the current user.

Querying a facial image library

This API is used to query the status of a facial image library.

Deleting a facial image library

This API is used to delete a facial image library and all faces in the library.

Facial Resource Management

Adding a face

This API is used to add faces to a facial image library. All detected faces in the input facial image will be added to the library.

Querying a face

This API is used to query the face information in a specified facial image library.

Updating a face

This API is used to update a single face based on its face ID (face_id).

Deleting a face

This API is used to delete a face from a facial image library based on a specified field.

Deleting faces in batches

This API is used to batch delete multiple faces that meet specified criteria you customize.