Querying Floating IP Addresses
This API is used to query all floating IP addresses accessible to the tenant submitting the request. A maximum of 2000 records can be returned for each query operation. If the number of records exceeds 2000, the pagination marker will be returned.
You can query the detailed information about a specified floating IP address using the API for Querying a Floating IP Address.
GET /v2.0/floatingips
Tabela 1 describes the parameters.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
id |
No |
String |
Specifies the floating IP address ID. |
floating_ip_address |
No |
String |
Specifies the floating IPv4 address. |
floating_network_id |
No |
String |
Specifies the external network ID. You can only use fixed external network. You can use GET /v2.0/networks?router:external=True or GET /v2.0/networks?name={floating_network} or run the neutron net-external-list command to obtain information about the external network. |
router_id |
No |
String |
Specifies the ID of the belonged router. |
port_id |
No |
String |
Specifies the port ID. |
fixed_ip_address |
No |
String |
Specifies the private IP address of the associated port. |
tenant_id |
No |
String |
Specifies the project ID. |
limit |
Integer |
No |
Especifica o número de registros que serão retornados em cada página. O valor é de 0 a intmax. limit pode ser usado em conjunto com o marker. Para obter detalhes, consulte a descrição do parâmetro de marker. |
marker |
String |
No |
Especifica um ID de recurso para consulta de paginação, indicando que a consulta começa a partir do próximo registro do ID de recurso especificado. Este parâmetro pode trabalhar em conjunto com o parâmetro limit.
page_reverse |
Boolean |
No |
Specifies the page direction. The value can be True or False. |
GET https://{Endpoint}/v2.0/floatingips?id={fip_id}&router_id={router_id}&floating_network_id={net_id}&floating_ip_address={floating_ip}&port_id={port_id}&fixed_ip_address={fixed_ip}&tenant_id={tenant_id}
Request Message
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
Specifies the user token. The token can be obtained by calling the IAM API used for obtaining a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Response Message
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
floatingips |
Array of floatingip objects |
Specifies the floating IP address list. For details, see Tabela 4. |
floatingips_links |
Array of floatingips_link objects |
Specifies the floating IP address object list. For details, see Tabela 5. Only when limit is used for filtering and the number of resources exceeds the value of limit or 2000 (default value of limit), value next will be returned for rel and a link for href. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
status |
String |
Specifies the floating IP address status. The value can be ACTIVE, DOWN, or ERROR.
id |
String |
Specifies the floating IP address ID. |
project_id |
String |
Specifies the project ID. |
floating_ip_address |
String |
Specifies the floating IP address. |
floating_network_id |
String |
Specifies the external network ID. |
router_id |
String |
Specifies the ID of the belonged router. |
port_id |
String |
Specifies the port ID. |
fixed_ip_address |
String |
Specifies the private IP address of the associated port. |
tenant_id |
String |
Specifies the project ID. |
dns_name |
String |
Specifies the DNS name. This parameter is available only in the CN South-Guangzhou region. |
dns_domain |
String |
Specifies the DNS domain. This parameter is available only in the CN South-Guangzhou region. |
created_at |
String |
Specifies the time when the floating IP address was created. UTC time is used. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
updated_at |
String |
Specifies the time when the floating IP address was updated. UTC time is used. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Example request
GET https://{Endpoint}/v2.0/floatingips?limit=1
Example response
{ "floatingips": [ { "id": "1a3a2818-d9b4-4a9c-8a19-5252c499d1cd", "status": "DOWN", "router_id": null, "tenant_id": "bbfe8c41dd034a07bebd592bf03b4b0c", "project_id": "bbfe8c41dd034a07bebd592bf03b4b0c", "floating_network_id": "0a2228f2-7f8a-45f1-8e09-9039e1d09975", "fixed_ip_address": null, "floating_ip_address": "", "port_id": null, "created_at": "2017-10-19T12:21:28", "updated_at": "2018-07-30T12:52:13" } ] }