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Error Codes
If an error occurs in API calling, no result is returned. Identify the error cause based on the error codes of each API. If an error occurs in API calling, HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx is returned. The response body contains the specific error code and information. If you are unable to identify the cause of an error, contact customer service and provide the error code so that we can help you solve the problem as soon as possible.
Format of an Error Response Body
If an error occurs during API calling, the system returns an error code and message to you. The following shows the format of an error response body:
{ "kind": "Status", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {}, "status": "Failure", "message": "namespace name already exists", "reason": "Conflict", "code": 409, "errorCode": "CCI.02.409101" }
In the preceding information, code is an HTTP status code, errorCode is an error code, and message describes the error.
Error Code Description
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call a CCI API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
Status Code |
Error Codes |
Error Message |
Description |
Measure |
400 |
CCI.01.400101 |
request body error |
Request failed. The request body is invalid. |
Check the request body based on the API document. |
400 |
CCI.01.400102 |
provide namespace requested |
Failed to query namespace details. The namespace to be queried is not specified. |
Specify the namespace to be queried and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400103 |
missing user token in the request header |
Failed to create the network. The request header does not contain the X-User-Token. |
Ensure that the request header contains the X-User-Token. |
400 |
CCI.01.400104 |
no agency quota found from iam, please enlarge your quota |
The maximum of IAM agencies has reached. |
Submit a service ticket to increase your quota. |
400 |
CCI.01.400105 |
must specify namespace name through fieldSelector, example: |
The namespace name must be specified using fieldSelector, for example, |
Specify the namespace name with fieldSelector. |
400 |
CCI.01.400106 |
volume import:request body error |
The request body for importing the volume is invalid. |
Check the request body based on the volume import API document. |
400 |
CCI.01.400107 |
enterprise id not valid |
Invalid enterprise project ID. |
Modify the enterprise project ID and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400201 |
subnet cidr subnet invalid: within the coverage of VPC, and no more subnets overlap |
Invalid subnet CIDR block. The subnet CIDR block cannot overlap with other subnets in the VPC. |
Modify the subnet CIDR block to ensure that it does not overlap with other subnets. |
400 |
CCI.01.400202 |
project id in network request body invalid |
Failed to create the network. The Annotation field of the request body does not contain project_id. |
Modify the Annotation field to ensure that it contains project_id and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400301 |
storage type parameter invalid: nfs/obs/bs |
Invalid storage class. Supported storage classes are NFS, OBS, and BS. |
Modify the storage type parameter and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400302 |
storage volume id format invalid: the beginning and end of a numeric letter, which may contain an underline in the middle of the numeric letter |
Invalid storage volume ID format. The ID can contain only letters, digits, and underscores (_) and must start and end with a digit or a letter. |
Change the storage volume ID and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400303 |
storage volume id len invalid: no bigger than 64 |
Invalid length of the storage volume ID. The ID can contain a maximum of 64 characters. |
Change the storage volume ID and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400304 |
storage request body invalid |
Failed to release the storage volume. The delete_volume field is invalid. |
Modify the delete_volume field and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400305 |
storage volume not available |
Failed to import the storage volume. The storage volume status is abnormal. |
Contact technical support to rectify the storage volume fault and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400306 |
storage volume is not found |
Failed to import the storage volume. The storage volume does not exist. |
Ensure that the storage volume to be imported exists and try again. |
400 |
CCI.01.400307 |
nfs storage class type err,use "nfs-rw" |
Failed to import the storage volume. The specified NFS storage is not supported. Only storage class nfs-rw is supported. |
Import nfs-rw. |
400 |
CCI.01.400308 |
storage volume type err, available: sas/ssd/sata |
Failed to import the storage volume. The storage specifications are not supported. Supported specifications are SAS, SSD, and SATA. |
Import a storage volume of supported storage format, for example, SAS, SSD, and SATA. |
400 |
CCI.01.400309 |
storage volume already provisioned |
Failed to import the storage volume. The current volume has been imported. |
Check whether the current volume has been imported. |
400 |
CCI.01.400401 |
invalid billing request body: unsupported billing status |
Invalid billing request body. The billing status is not supported. |
Change it to a supported status. |
400 |
CCI.01.400402 |
invalid billing request body: unsupported billing resource type |
Invalid billing request body. The billing resource type is not supported. |
Change it to a supported resource type. |
400 |
CCI.01.400403 |
invalid billing request user: inner user can not be freeze or unfreeze |
Invalid billing request body. The operations on internal users are not supported. |
Change the user to a non-internal user. |
400 |
CCI.01.400404 |
invalid billing request body: resourceinfos can not match scene |
Invalid billing request body. The resourceinfos does not match scene. |
Change it to a supported scene field. |
500 |
CCI.01.500101 |
find no cluster endpoint for namespace xxx from icluster response header |
Failed to query the cluster address by namespace. |
Contact technical support. |
403 |
CCI.01.403009 |
your account is in arrears, please recharge |
Request failed: The account is in arrears. |
Top up the account. |
403 |
CCI.01.403010 |
your account has been frozen, please contact customer service |
Request error: The account has been frozen. |
Submit a service ticket to contact customer service. |
403 |
CCI.01.403101 |
only gpu beta users can use gpu in cci |
Request failed. You have not applied for the GPU OBT. |
Apply for the GPU OBT. |
403 |
CCI.01.403102 |
only obs beta users can use obs in cci |
Request failed. You have not applied for the OBS OBT. |
Apply for the OBS OBT. |
403 |
CCI.01.403103 |
user's token can not match auth token for resourceUser's |
Authentication failed. The domain in the token does not match the requested domain. |
Ensure that the domain in the token matches that in the request. |
403 |
CCI.01.403104 |
current user has no right |
Authentication failed. You do not have the permission to perform this operation. |
Check whether you have the permission. |
403 |
CCI.01.403105 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespace:create |
Failed to create the namespace. You do not have the cci:namespace:create permission. |
Apply for the namespace create permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403106 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespace:delete |
Failed to delete the namespace. You do not have the cci:namespace:delete permission. |
Apply for the namespace delete permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403107 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespace:update |
Failed to update the namespace. You do not have the cci:namespace:update permission. |
Apply for the namespace update permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403108 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespace:get |
Failed to obtain the namespace details. You do not have the cci:namespace:get permission. |
Apply for the namespace get permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403109 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespace:list |
Failed to obtain the namespace list. You do not have the cci:namespace:list permission. |
Apply for the namespace list permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403110 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespaceSubResource:create |
Failed to create the resource. You do not have the cci:namespaceSubResource:create permission. |
Apply for the namespaceSubResource create permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403111 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespaceSubResource:delete |
Failed to delete the resource. You do not have the cci:namespaceSubResource:delete permission. |
Apply for the namespaceSubResource delete permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403112 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespaceSubResource:update |
Failed to update the resource. You do not have the cci:namespaceSubResource:update permission. |
Apply for the namespaceSubResource update permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403113 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespaceSubResource:get |
Failed to obtain the resource details. You do not have the cci:namespaceSubResource:get permission. |
Apply for the namespaceSubResource get permission from the administrator. |
403 |
CCI.01.403114 |
insufficient operation permission, require cci:namespaceSubResource:list |
Failed to obtain the resource list. You do not have the cci:namespaceSubResource:list permission. |
Apply for the namespaceSubResource list permission from the administrator. |
404 |
CCI.01.404101 |
no agency found for user |
Request failed. The queried agency does not exist. |
Log in to the CCI console, select the corresponding region, and click Agree to authorize CCI to create an agency. |
401 |
CCI.01.401102 |
user has no agency to cci. Please apply an agency to cci |
Request failed. You have not authorized the CCI service. |
Authorize the CCI service first. |
403 |
CCI.04.403112 |
Chart must have same name and version with original chart |
Failed to update the chart. The chart version and name must be the same as those in the original chart. |
Ensure that the chart version and name are the same as those in the original chart. |
403 |
CCI.04.403124 |
The official chart is forbidden to be downloaded |
Failed to download the chart. Official charts cannot be downloaded. |
Contact technical support. |
403 |
CCI.04.403125 |
Chart is used, can't deleted |
Failed to delete the chart. The chart is in use. |
Contact technical support. |
403 |
CCI.04.403126 |
The chart is deprecated, please select a higher version |
The selected chart version has expired. |
Select a later version. |
403 |
CCI.04.403129 |
Only addon charts have now, the target chart is not an addon chart |
Operation failed. The chart associated with the file is not an add-on chart. |
Associate it with an add-on chart. |
403 |
CCI.04.403130 |
Not allowed to update chart belong to other tenant |
Request failed. You cannot operate the charts of other users. |
Do not operate the charts of other users. |
403 |
CCI.04.403131 |
Update release is forbidden:The status of release is not DEPLOYED or FAILED |
Update failed. Only releases in the Installed or Failed status can be updated. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
CCI.04.400104 |
Validate chart version failed |
Request failed because the chart version is invalid. The version can contain a maximum of 64 characters and must comply with the SemVer specification, for example, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-alpha, and 1.0.0-alpha+001. |
Specify a chart version that meets the version format requirements. |
400 |
CCI.04.400105 |
the ID should not be empty |
The chart ID cannot be left blank. |
Enter a correct chart ID. |
400 |
CCI.04.400111 |
Only addon allowed |
Request failed. This request supports only add-on charts. |
Specify an add-on chart. |
400 |
CCI.04.400112 |
the length of ID is more than 64 |
Request failed. The chart ID cannot contain more than 64 characters. |
Enter a correct chart ID. |
400 |
CCI.04.400113 |
Chart ID format is Invalid, must match the regex |
Request failed. The chart ID format is invalid. |
Enter a correct chart ID. |
400 |
CCI.04.400118 |
Validate chart failed |
Request failed. The chart format is incorrect. The file name extension must be .tgz and the size cannot exceed 2 MB. |
Specify a chart file with the .tgz extension and less than 2 MB. |
400 |
CCI.04.400119 |
Chart file not found |
Request failed. The chart is empty. |
Specify a chart that is not empty. |
400 |
CCI.04.400121 |
Chart format is invalid,Chart package name and version must be same with chart name and version |
The chart package format is invalid. The chart package name and version must be the same as those described in the chart. |
Specify a chart package whose name and version are the same as those in the chart. |
400 |
CCI.04.400126 |
No target version selected, select one please |
Request failed. The add-on version is not specified. |
Specify an add-on version. |
400 |
CCI.04.400131 |
Unsupport language |
Failed to delete the readme file. The language of the request parameters is not supported. Supported language: English |
Ensure that the language of the readme file is English. |
400 |
CCI.04.400201 |
Invalid release name |
Request failed. The release name cannot be left blank. |
Enter a correct release name. |
400 |
CCI.04.400202 |
Release name length error |
Request failed. The release name cannot contain more than 24 characters. |
Enter a correct release name. |
400 |
CCI.04.400203 |
Release name not match regex |
Request failed. The release name format is invalid. The release name can contain only letters, digits, and underscores (_) and must start with a letter and end with a letter or digit. |
Enter a correct release name. |
400 |
CCI.04.400214 |
The update action must be either upgrade or rollback |
Failed to update the release because the requested action is invalid. Supported actions are upgrade and rollback. |
Change the requested action to upgrade or rollback. |
400 |
CCI.04.400218 |
Invalid release version |
Request failed. Invalid release version. |
Enter a correct version. |
400 |
CCI.04.400302 |
Failed to Unmarshal |
Request failed. Invalid request body. |
Specify a correct request body format. |
400 |
CCI.04.400304 |
The request body is too large |
Request failed. The chart package size exceeds 2 MB. |
Ensure that the size of the chart package is less than 2 MB. |
400 |
CCI.04.400306 |
Validate chart package failed |
An error occurred when verifying the chart package. |
Check whether the format of the YAML files in the package is correct. |
404 |
CCI.04.404204 |
Release not found |
Request failed. The release to be queried does not exist. |
Query the correct application. |
409 |
CCI.04.409112 |
The chart is already existed in database |
Failed to upload the chart. The chart name already exists. |
Change the chart name and try again. |
409 |
CCI.04.409123 |
The chart name is conflict with public charts |
Failed to upload the chart. The chart name conflicts with an official chart name. |
Change the chart name and try again. |
409 |
CCI.04.409213 |
Release already exists in this cluster |
Failed to create the release. The release name already exists. |
Change the release name and try again. |
400 |
CCI.02.400101 |
ummarshal ERROR: BadNamespaceRequestBody |
Failed to create the namespace. The request body is incorrect. |
Rectify the request body error based on the API document. |
400 |
CCI.02.400102 |
get service account tenant name failed |
Failed to obtain the tenant name. The tenant is not in the whitelist. |
Obtain a tenant in the whitelist. |
400 |
CCI.02.400103 |
Unsupported Content Type |
The request contains an incorrect text type. |
Specify a correct text type. |
400 |
CCI.02.400104 |
ummarshal ERROR: BadQuotaRequestBody |
Failed to create the quota. The request body is incorrect. |
Specify a correct request body. |
400 |
CCI.02.400105 |
update quotas failed |
Failed to update the quota. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
CCI.02.400106 |
used namespaces exceeds quota, could not create anymore |
Failed to create the namespace. The namespace quota is insufficient. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
CCI.02.400107 |
delete namespace failed, namespace is empty |
Failed to delete the namespace. The namespace is empty and cannot be deleted. |
Ensure that the namespace to be deleted is not empty. |
400 |
CCI.02.400108 |
get flavor info by name failed,flavor name is empty |
Failed to query flavor information by name. The Name field is empty. |
Enter a correct value for the Name field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400109 |
Create namespace failed: NamespaceNameInvalid |
Failed to create the namespace. The Name field is invalid. |
Enter a correct value for the Name field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400110 |
Create namespace failed: NamespaceFlavorInvalid |
Failed to create the namespace. The Flavor field is invalid. |
Enter a correct value for the Flavor field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400111 |
Create namespace failed: NamespaceFlavorMissed |
Failed to create the namespace. The Flavor field is empty. |
Enter a correct value for the Flavor field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400112 |
Create namespace failed: NamespaceDomainIDMissed |
Failed to create the namespace. The DomainID field is empty. |
Enter a correct value for the DomainID field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400113 |
Create namespace failed: NamespaceProjectIDMissed |
Failed to create the namespace. The ProjectID field is empty. |
Enter a correct value for the ProjectID field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400114 |
Get namespace failed: NamespaceProjectIDMissed |
Failed to query the namespace. The ProjectID field is empty. |
Enter a correct value for the ProjectID field. |
400 |
CCI.02.400116 |
Get available cluster info from resourcemanager failed: NoAllocatedCluster |
Failed to create the namespace. The cluster resource is insufficient. Try again later. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
CCI.02.400117 |
Get namespace failed: PaginationParameterInvalid |
Failed to query the namespace. The pagination parameter is invalid. |
Enter a correct pagination parameter. |
400 |
CCI.02.400118 |
Create namespace failed: EnterpriseProjectIDEmpty |
Failed to create the namespace. The Enterprise Project ID field is empty. |
Enter a correct enterprise project ID. |
400 |
CCI.02.400119 |
Create namespace failed: EnterpriseProjectNotSupported |
Failed to create the namespace. Enterprise projects are not supported. |
Contact technical support. |
404 |
CCI.02.404101 |
flavor not found |
Failed to query flavor information. The requested flavor does not exist. |
Query the correct flavor. |
404 |
CCI.02.404102 |
resourcequota not found |
Failed to query resource quota information. The requested resource quota does not exist. |
Query the correct resource quota. |
404 |
CCI.02.404103 |
quota not found |
Failed to query quota information. The requested quota does not exist. |
Query the correct resource quota. |
409 |
CCI.02.409101 |
Failed to create the namespace. The namespace already exists. |
Change the namespace name and try again. |
409 |
CCI.02.409102 |
Failed to migrate the namespace |
Failed to migrate the namespace. The namespace is already on a dedicated node. |
Select a non-dedicated namespace. |
500 |
CCI.03.500102 |
Internal error |
Internal error. An error occurs during interaction with CSB. |
Contact customer service or try again later. |
500 |
CCI.03.500101 |
Return error |
Return error. The return body fails to be converted into the JSON format. |
Contact customer service or try again later. |
500 |
CCI.03.500002 |
Database request error |
Database request error. |
Contact customer service or try again later. |
500 |
CCI.03.500001 |
An internal processing error occurs |
Internal processing error. |
Contact customer service or try again later. |
400 |
CCI.03.400105 |
Request error |
Request error. The package information is not carried. |
Enter a valid order request. |
400 |
CCI.03.400106 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The current user is not eligible to purchase the package. |
Contact customer service to apply for the purchase permission. |
400 |
CCI.03.400107 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The number of packages purchased by the user has reached the upper limit. |
Purchase again after the current package is used up. |
400 |
CCI.03.400108 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The number of packages purchased by the user in the specified period has reached the upper limit. |
Purchase again in the next period. |
400 |
CCI.02.400122 |
Failed to migrate the namespace. |
Failed to migrate the namespace. The namespace status is abnormal. |
Restore the namespace to the normal status and try again. |
400 |
CCI.02.400121 |
Failed to migrate the namespace. |
Failed to migrate the namespace. No dedicated node is available in the namespace. |
Contact customer service to purchase a dedicated node. |
400 |
CCI.03.400109 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The remaining quantity of this package is insufficient. |
Increase the package quota or reduce the purchase quantity. |
400 |
CCI.02.400120 |
Failed to migrate the namespace. |
Failed to migrate the namespace. The on-demand elastic bearer parameter is invalid. |
Set a valid parameter. |
400 |
CCI.03.400110 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The promotion package is invalid. |
Purchase a valid package. |
400 |
CCI.03.400111 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The promotion activity ID is invalid because it is empty or too long. |
Enter a valid promotion activity ID. |
400 |
CCI.03.400001 |
The request does not carry a token |
The request does not carry a token. |
Enter a valid token in the request body. |
400 |
CCI.03.400101 |
Request error |
Request failed. The request body is invalid. |
Enter a valid request body. |
400 |
CCI.03.400102 |
Request error |
Request error. Failed to parse the request body in JSON format. |
Enter a valid order request. |
400 |
CCI.03.400103 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The token does not contain user information. |
Enter a valid token. |
400 |
CCI.03.400104 |
Request failed |
Request failed. The POC package is invalid. |
Purchase a valid package. |
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