Updated on 2022-01-25 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Create a VPC Endpoint


After you create a VPC endpoint service, you also need to create a VPC endpoint to access the VPC endpoint service.

This section describes how to create a VPC endpoint in another VPC of your own for connecting to the VPC endpoint service.

Select the same region and project as those of the VPC endpoint service.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the required region and project.
  3. Choose Service List > Networking > VPC Endpoint.
  4. On the VPC Endpoints page, click Create VPC Endpoint.

    The Create VPC Endpoint page is displayed.

  5. Set the required parameters.
    Table 1 Required parameters




    Specifies the region where the VPC endpoint is located. This region is the same as that of the VPC endpoint service.

    Service Category

    There are two options: Cloud services or Find a service by name.

    • Cloud services: The target VPC endpoint service is a cloud service.
    • Find a service by name: The target VPC endpoint service is a private service of your own.

    Example: Find a service by name

    VPC Endpoint Service Name

    This parameter is available only when you select Find a service by name for Service Category.

    Enter the VPC endpoint service name recorded in step 8 and click Verify.

    • If Service name found is displayed, proceed with subsequent operations.
    • If Service name not found is displayed, check whether the region is the same as that of the connected VPC endpoint service or whether the entered service name is correct.

    Private Domain Name

    If you want to access a VPC endpoint using a domain name, select Create a Private Domain Name when creating a VPC endpoint. After the VPC endpoint is created, you can access it using the domain name.

    • For the gateway type, this parameter is unavailable.
    • For the interface type, this parameter is optional.


    Specifies the VPC where the VPC endpoint is located.


    Specifies the subnet where the VPC endpoint is located.


    This parameter is optional.

    Specifies the VPC endpoint tag, which consists of a key and a value. You can add a maximum of 10 tags to each VPC endpoint.

    Tag keys and values must meet requirements listed in Table 2.

    Table 2 Tag requirements for VPC endpoints



    Tag key

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Must be unique for each resource.
    • Can contain a maximum of 36 Unicode characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space or contain special characters =*<>\,|/

    Tag value

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Can contain a maximum of 43 Unicode characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space or contain special characters =*<>\,|/
  6. Confirm the specifications and click Create Now.
    • If all of the specifications are correct, click Submit.
    • If any of the specifications are incorrect, click Previous to return to the previous page and modify the parameters as needed, and click Submit.
  7. Manage the connection of the VPC endpoint.
    If the status of the VPC endpoint changes to Accepted, the VPC endpoint is connected to the required VPC endpoint service. If the status is Pending acceptance, connection approval is enabled for the endpoint service, ask the owner of the endpoint service to perform the following operations:
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose VPC Endpoint > VPC Endpoint Services.
    2. In the VPC endpoint service list, locate the target VPC endpoint service and click its name.
    3. On the displayed page, select the Connection Management tab.
      • If you allow a VPC endpoint to connect to this VPC endpoint service, locate the target VPC endpoint and click Accept in the Operation column.
      • If you refuse a VPC endpoint from connecting to this VPC endpoint service, click Reject in the Operation column.
    4. Go back to the VPC endpoint list and check whether the status of the target VPC endpoint changes to Accepted. If yes, the VPC endpoint is connected to the VPC endpoint service.
  8. In the VPC endpoint list, click before the target VPC endpoint to view its details.

    After a VPC endpoint is created, a private IP address is assigned together with a private domain name if you select Create a Private Domain Name.

    You can use the private IP address or private domain name to access the VPC endpoint service.

Configuration Verification

Log in to an ECS in VPC 1 remotely and access the VPC endpoint using its private IP address or private domain name.

Figure 1 Logging in to the ECS to access the VPC endpoint