Updated on 2024-07-12 GMT+08:00

Related Services


The HSS agent can be installed on ECS.

For details about ECS, see the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.

Cloud Container Engine (CCE)

CCE can rapidly build a highly reliable container cluster based on cloud servers and add nodes to the cluster for management. HSS can install Hostguard-agent on the nodes to protect the container applications deployed on them.

CCE is a high-performance, high-reliability service through which enterprises can manage containerized applications. CCE supports native Kubernetes applications and tools, allowing you to easily set up a container runtime environment on the cloud. For more information, see the Container Service User Guide.

Software Repository for Container (SWR)

SWR provides easy, secure, and reliable management over container images throughout their lifecycles, facilitating the deployment of containerized services. For more information, see the Software Repository for Container User Guide. HSS scans for vulnerabilities and configurations in container images to help you detect the container environment that cannot be achieved by traditional security software.

Simple Message Notification (SMN)

SMN is an extensible, high-performance message processing service.

  • To enable alarm notifications, you must configure SMN first.
  • After the SMN is enabled, you will receive alarm notifications sent from HSS if your server is attacked or have high risks detected.
  • On the Alarm Notification tab, you can configure Daily Alarm Notification and Real-Time Alarm Notification as required.

For details about SMN, see Simple Message Notification User Guide.