Updated on 2023-03-09 GMT+08:00

What Is DLV?

Data Lake Visualization (DLV) is a one-stop data visualization platform that adapts to various data sources in the cloud or on-premises. By dragging and dropping 2D and 3D visual components on DLV, you can quickly customize and create a data screen of your own.

Edition Specifications

DLV provides three editions: Basic, Advanced, and Professional. For details about edition specifications, see Table 1.

Table 1 Edition specifications






Number of workspaces that can be created


Publish & Share

Public without restrictions (The access URL of a screen is accessible without restrictions.)

Publish with passwords

Publish with tokens

Scenario Template

Security Situation Awareness, Energy and Chemical Industry Management, and Real-Time Monitoring of Cloud Computing-Driven Industrial Internet

Other templates (continuously updated): Sales Cockpit, Smart Tourism, Medical Consumables, Order Monitoring, Galaxy Data Monitoring, Data Monitoring Platform, and Education Digitalization Distribution, Big Data Platform for Transportation Industry, and Data Center Cloud Monitoring


Number of available templates

All templates are available.

Max. Number of Screens

Maximum number of screens



Data Source Type

RDS for MySQL, RDS for GaussDB, MySQL, CSV, and static JSON

RDS for PostgreSQL, RDS for SQL Server, GaussDB(DWS), DDM, OBS, DLI, MapReduce Service (MRS) Hive, MRS SparkSQL, API, APIG, and DAYU.

MRS ClickHouse, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, GaussDB(for Influx), CSS Elasticsearch, and Elasticsearch



  • Basic chart components:

    Line, bar, pie, percentage, radar, scatter, bubble, region ranking, combination, horizontal bar, dual-Y axis line, dual-Y axis combination, radial bar, horizontal capsule bar, scanning radar, image video, carousel, title, text, word cloud, timer, carousel table, ticker board, marquee, carousel list bar, key-value table, relationship network, border, decoration, custom background, time selector, WT bar, WT line, WT horizontal bar, WT radar, WT scatter, WT combination, WT dual-Y line, and WT dual-Y combination

  • Basic 2D map subcomponents:

    Flying line, drilldown, heatmap layer, and hover text

  • World map subcomponents:

    Flying line and heatmap layer

  • Advanced chart components:

    Liquid, horizontal stacked bar, WT horizontal stacked bar, rose, horizontal bi-directional bar, heatmap, step, FLV video stream player, rectangle tree, gauge, and funnel

  • Basic 2D map subcomponents:

    Scatter, advanced scatter layer, and carousel video

  • World map subcomponents:

    Scatter and advanced scatter layer

Professional chart components: WT line waterfall, sunburst, radial tree, Sankey, arc in polar coordinates, arc, tree, progress, bar heatmap, and RTMP video stream player


Map Component

3D map component: globe, globe (advanced)


Interaction Support

Callback variables

Callback custom variables

Basic interaction components: full screen, iFrame, search, timeline, tab list, and geographical search

Advanced interaction components: tab, check box, multi-option drop-down list, and vertical timeline



Top, bottom, up, down, copy, delete, alignment, and layout

Lock/unlock, hide/display, and rename

Auxiliary Function

Rulers and auxiliary lines