Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Comparing DCS and Open-Source Cache Services

DCS supports single-node, master/standby, and cluster instances, ensuring high read/write performance and fast data access. It also supports various instance management operations to facilitate your O&M. With DCS, you only need to focus on the service logic, without concerning about the deployment, monitoring, scaling, security, and fault recovery issues.

DCS is compatible with open-source Redis, and can be customized based on your requirements. This renders DCS unique features in addition to the advantages of open-source cache databases.

DCS for Redis vs. Open-Source Redis

Table 1 Differences between DCS for Redis and open-source Redis


Open-Source Redis

DCS for Redis

Service deployment

Requires 0.5 to 2 days to prepare servers.

  • Creates a Redis 3.0 instance in 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Creates a containerized Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance within 8 seconds.



Closely follows open-source trends and supports the latest Redis version. Currently, Redis 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 are supported.


Network and server safety is the user's responsibility.

  • Network security is ensured using VPCs and security groups.
  • Data reliability is ensured by data replication and scheduled backup.



100,000 QPS per node


Provides only basic statistics.

Provides more than 30 monitoring metrics and customizable alarm threshold and policies.

  • Various metrics
    • External metrics include the number of commands, concurrent operations, connections, clients, and denied connections.
    • Resource usage metrics include CPU usage, physical memory usage, network input throughput, and network output throughput.
    • Internal metrics include instance capacity usage, as well as the number of keys, expired keys, PubSub channels, PubSub patterns, keyspace hits, and keyspace misses.
  • Custom alarm thresholds and policies for different metrics to help identify service faults.

Backup and restoration


  • Supports scheduled and manual backup. Backup files can be downloaded.
  • Backup data can be restored on the console.

Parameter management

No visualized parameter management

  • Visualized parameter management is supported on the console.
  • Configuration parameters can be modified online.


Interrupts services and involves a complex procedure from modifying the server RAM to modifying Redis memory and restarting the OS and services.

  • Supports online scale-up and scale-down without interrupting services.
  • Specifications can be scaled up or down within the available range based on service requirements.