Updated on 2023-05-22 GMT+08:00

Buying a Gateway

This section describes how to create a gateway. You can create APIs and use them to provide services only after a gateway is created.

Information on Buying a Gateway

There are some limitations on creating a gateway. If you cannot create a gateway or a gateway fails to be created, check the following items:

  • Gateway quota

    By default, your account can be used to create five gateways in a project. To create more dedicated gateways, submit a service ticket to increase the quota.

  • Permissions

    You must be assigned both the APIG Administrator and VPC Administrator roles or assigned the APIG FullAccess policy to create a gateway.

    You can also be granted permissions using custom policies. For details, see APIG Custom Policies.

  • Number of available private IP addresses in the subnet

    The basic, professional, enterprise, and platinum editions of APIG require 3, 5, 6, and 7 private IP addresses. Check that the subnet you choose has sufficient private IP addresses on the VPC console.

Network Environment

  • Workload

    Gateways are deployed in VPCs. Cloud resources, such as Elastic Cloud Servers (ECSs), in the same workload can call APIs using the private IP address of the gateway deployed in the workload.

    You are advised to deploy your gateways in the same workload as your other services to facilitate network configuration and secure network access.

    VPCs (workloads) where gateways have been deployed cannot be changed.

  • EIP

    To allow public inbound access to the APIs deployed in a gateway, create an Elastic IP (EIP) and bind it to the gateway.

    For APIs whose backend services are deployed on a public network, APIG automatically generates an IP address for public outbound access, and you do not need to create an Elastic IP (EIP).

  • Security group

    Similar to a firewall, a security group controls access to a gateway through a specific port and transmission of communication data from the gateway to a specific destination address. For security purposes, create inbound rules for the security group to allow access only on specific ports.

    The security group bound to a gateway must meet the following requirements:

    • Inbound access: To allow the APIs in the gateway to be accessed over public networks or from other security groups, configure inbound rules for the security group to allow access on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
    • Outbound access: If the backend service of an API is deployed on a public network or in another security group, add outbound rules for the security group to allow access to the backend service address through the API calling port.
    • If the frontend and backend services of an API are bound with the same security group and VPC as the gateway, no inbound or outbound rules are needed to allow access through the preceding ports.


  1. Log in to the APIG console.
  1. In the navigation pane, choose Gateways.
  1. Click Buy Gateway.

    Table 1 API gateway parameters




    A geographic area where the gateway will be deployed. Deploy the gateway in the same region as your other services to allow all services to communicate with each other through subnets within a workload. This reduces public bandwidth costs and network latency.


    A physical region where resources use independent power supplies and networks. Availability zones (AZs) are physically isolated but interconnected through an internal network.

    To enhance gateway availability, deploy the gateway in multiple AZs.

    Gateway Name

    Gateway name.


    The basic, professional, enterprise, and platinum editions are available. The number of concurrent requests allowed varies depending on the gateway edition. For more information, see Specifications in the API Gateway Service Overview.

    Scheduled Maintenance

    Time period when the gateway can be maintained. The technical support personnel will contact you before maintenance.

    Select a time period with low service demands.

    Enterprise Project

    Select an enterprise project to which the gateway belongs. This parameter is available only if your account is an enterprise account.

    For details about resource usage, migration, and user permissions of enterprise projects, see the Enterprise Management User Guide.

    Public Inbound Access

    Determine whether to allow the APIs created in the gateway to be called by external services using an EIP. To enable this function, assign an EIP to the dedicated gateway.

    • APIs in the gateway can be called using independent or debugging domain names. There is a limit on the number of times that APIs in an API group can be called per day using the debugging domain name. To overcome the limitation, bind independent domain names to the API group and ensure that the domain names have already been CNAMEd to the EIP of the gateway to which the API group belongs.

      For example, you have an HTTPS API (path: /apidemo) with public access enabled. The API can be called using "https://{domain}/apidemo", where {domain} indicates an independent domain name bound to the group of the API. The default port is 443.

    Public Outbound Access

    Determine whether to allow backend services of the APIs created in the gateway to be deployed on public networks. Set a bandwidth that meets your service requirements for public outbound access. The bandwidth will be billed by hour based on the pricing of the EIP service.


    Select a VPC and subnet for the dedicated gateway.

    Cloud resources (such as ECSs) within the same VPC can call APIs using the private IP address of the gateway.

    Deploy the gateway in the same VPC as your other services to facilitate network configuration and secure network access.

    Security Group

    Select a security group to control inbound and outbound access.

    If the backend service of an API is deployed on an external network, configure security group rules to allow access to the backend service address through the API calling port.


    If public inbound access is enabled, add inbound rules for the security group to allow access on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).


    Description about the gateway.

  2. Click Next.
  3. Confirm the gateway configurations. The instance is created with the status displayed on the screen.

Follow-Up Operations

After the gateway is created, you can create and manage APIs in this gateway. Go to the Gateway Information page. It shows the gateway details, network configurations, and configuration parameters.

You can modify the gateway name, description, scheduled maintenance time window, security group, and EIP.

Before deleting a gateway, ensure that the deletion will not impact your services.