Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00


Application Monitoring

Application monitoring allows you to view application resource usage, trends, and alarms in real time, so that you can make fast responses to ensure smooth running for applications.

This function adopts the hierarchical drill-down design. The hierarchy is as follows: Application list > Application details > Component details > Instance details > Container details > Process details. That is, applications, components, instances, containers, and processes are associated and their relationships are directly displayed on the console.

Host Monitoring

Host monitoring allows you to view host resource usage, trends, and alarms in real time, so that you can make fast responses and ensure smooth running for hosts.

Like application monitoring, this function also adopts the hierarchical drill-down design. The hierarchy is as follows: Host list > Host details. The details page contains all the instances, GPUs, NICs, disks, file systems, and alarms of the current host.

Automatic Discovery of Applications

After you deploy applications on hosts, the ICAgent installed on the hosts automatically collects information, including names of processes, components, containers, and Kubernetes pods. By using the automatic discovery function, applications are automatically discovered and their graphs are displayed on the console. You can then set aliases and groups for better resource management.


With a dashboard, different graphs can be displayed on the same screen. Various graphs, such as line graphs, digital graphs, and top N resource graphs enable you to monitor data comprehensively.

For example, you can add key metrics to a dashboard for real-time monitoring. You can also compare the same metric of different resources on the same screen. In addition, by adding common O&M metrics to a dashboard, you do not need to reselect them when re-opening the AOM console during routine O&M.

Alarm List

Alarm management is to manage alarms and events.

You can create threshold rules for key resource metrics. When the metric data reaches the threshold, AOM generates alarms.

Log Management

AOM provides powerful log management capabilities. Log search enables you to quickly search for required logs from massive quantities of logs. By configuring delimiters, you can divide log content into multiple words and use these words to search for logs.