Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


The Anti-DDoS service protects public IP addresses against layer-4 to layer-7 distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and sends alarms immediately when detecting an attack. In addition, Anti-DDoS improves the bandwidth utilization to further safeguard user services.

Anti-DDoS monitors the service traffic from the Internet to public IP addresses to detect attack traffic in real time. It then scrubs attack traffic based on user-configured defense policies without interrupting service running. It also generates monitoring reports that provide visibility into the security of network traffic.

Anti-DDoS helps users mitigate the following attacks:

  • Web server attacks

    Include SYN flood, HTTP flood, Challenge Collapsar (CC), and low-rate attacks

  • Game attacks

    Include UDP flood, SYN flood, TCP-based, and fragmentation attacks

  • HTTPS server attacks

    Include SSL DoS and DDoS attacks

  • DNS server attacks

    Include attacks exploiting DNS protocol stack vulnerabilities, DNS reflection attacks, DNS flood attacks, and DNS cache miss attacks

Anti-DDoS also provides the following functions:

  • Monitors the security status of a single public IP address and offers a monitoring report, covering the current protection status, protection settings, and the traffic and anomalies within the last 24 hours.
  • Provides attack statistics reports on all protected public IP addresses, covering the traffic cleaning frequency, cleaned traffic amount, top 10 attacked public IP addresses, and number of blocked attacks.