Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ Tools Guide/ obsutil/ FAQs/ Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
Updated on 2024-05-17 GMT+08:00

Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?

When you use obsutil to list all objects in a bucket, the listing result contains the total size of the objects. If the total size is different from that on OBS Console or OBS Browser+, go through the following list to locate the fault:

  1. To query the number of objects in a bucket and the space occupied by the objects, both OBS Browser+ and OBS Console call the API for Querying Information About Used Space in a Bucket. The results obtained by them correspond to the output by calling the stat command in obsutil. On OBS Browser+ and OBS Console, the bucket storage statistics are measured in the backend and are not real time. Therefore, you are advised to use obsutil to query the storage usage.
  2. Check whether there are object fragments in the bucket on OBS Browser+ and OBS Console by referring to Listing Multipart Upload Tasks. OBS bucket storage statistics cover the size of both objects and object fragments in a bucket, but obsutil lists only the objects in a bucket.