Updated on 2024-06-24 GMT+08:00

Custom Attributes

You can use custom attributes to add remarks to SIM cards. You can add, modify, enable, and disable custom attributes and set these attributes for SIM cards.


  • A user can create up to six custom attributes.
  • Only enabled custom attributes can be edited and displayed on the SIM card list page.

Adding a Custom Attribute

  1. Log in to the GSL console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Custom Attributes.

  3. Click Add Custom Attribute.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, set the custom attribute name.

    Enter up to 32 characters, including digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The new name must be unique.

  5. Click Submit.

Managing Custom Attributes

You can disable, enable, or modify an existing custom attribute.

  1. Log in to the GSL console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Custom Attributes.
  3. Perform the following operations as required.

    • Disabling a custom attribute

      Click Disable in the Operation column of the target attribute. The disabling is successful when the Status becomes Disabled.

    • Enabling a custom attribute

      Click Enable in the Operation column of the target disabled attribute. The enabling is successful when the Status becomes Enabled.

    • Modifying a custom attribute

      Click Modify in the Operation column of the target attribute. In the displayed dialog box, change the custom attribute name and click Submit.

      Enter up to 32 characters, including digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The new name must be unique.