Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

Backing Up and Restoring MRS Cluster Data


Manager can back up system and user data by components. The system can back up Manager data, component metadata, and service data.

For MRS 3.x and later, data can be backed up to local disks (LocalDir), local HDFS (LocalHDFS), remote HDFS (RemoteHDFS), NAS (NFS/CIFS), Object Storage Service (OBS), and SFTP server (SFTP). For details, see Backing Up MRS Cluster Component Data.

Only MRS 3.1.0 or later supports data backup to OBS.

Backup and restoration tasks are performed in the following scenarios:

  • Routine backup is performed to ensure the data security of the system and components.
  • If the system is faulty, the data backup can be used to recover the system.
  • If the active cluster is completely faulty, a mirrored cluster identical to the active cluster needs to be created. You can use the backup data to restore the active cluster.
Table 1 Metadata (MRS 2.x and earlier versions)

Backup Type

Backup Content


Database data (excluding alarm data) and configuration data in the cluster management system to be backed up by default


User information, including the username, password, key, password policy, and user group information


Metadata of the components (Hive) managed by DBService


HDFS metadata

Table 2 Manager configuration data (MRS 3.x and later)

Backup Type

Backup Content

Backup Directory Type


Database data (excluding alarm data) and configuration data in the cluster management system by default

  • LocalDir
  • LocalHDFS
  • RemoteHDFS
  • NFS
  • CIFS
  • SFTP
  • OBS
Table 3 Component metadata or other data (MRS 3.x and later)

Backup Type

Backup Content

Backup Directory Type


Metadata of the components (including Loader, Hive, Spark, Oozie, CDL, and Hue) managed by DBService.

  • LocalDir
  • LocalHDFS
  • RemoteHDFS
  • NFS
  • CIFS
  • SFTP
  • OBS


(Applicable to MRS 3.2.0 and later versions)

Flink metadata.

  • LocalDir
  • LocalHDFS
  • RemoteHDFS


Kafka metadata.

  • LocalDir
  • LocalHDFS
  • RemoteHDFS
  • NFS
  • CIFS
  • OBS


HDFS metadata. After multiple NameServices are added, backup and restoration are supported for all of them and the operations are consistent with those of the default hacluster instance.

  • LocalDir
  • RemoteHDFS
  • NFS
  • CIFS
  • SFTP
  • OBS


Information about the Yarn service resource pool.


tableinfo files and data files of HBase system tables.


IoTDB metadata.

  • LocalDir
  • NFS
  • RemoteHDFS
  • CIFS
  • SFTP


ClickHouse metadata.

  • LocalDir
  • RemoteHDFS
Table 4 Service data of specific components (MRS 3.x and later)

Backup Type

Backup Content

Backup Directory Type


Table-level user data.

  • RemoteHDFS
  • NFS
  • CIFS
  • SFTP


Directories or files of user services.


Encrypted directories cannot be backed up or restored.


Table-level user data.


IoTDB service data.



Table-level user data.


Note that some components in MRS 3.x and later versions do not provide data backup or restoration:

  • Kafka supports replicas and allows multiple replicas to be specified when a topic is created.
  • CDL data is stored in DBService and Kafka. A system administrator can create DBService and Kafka backup tasks to back up data.
  • MapReduce and Yarn data is stored in HDFS. Therefore, they rely on the backup and restoration provided by HDFS.
  • Backup and restoration of service data in ZooKeeper are performed by their own upper-layer components.

MRS Cluster Data Backup and Restoration Principles


Before backup or restoration, you need to create a backup or restoration task and set task parameters, such as the task name, backup data source, and type of the directory for storing backup files. Then you can execute the tasks to back up or restore data. When Manager is used to restore the data of HDFS, HBase (MRS 3.x and later), Hive, and NameNode, the cluster cannot be accessed.

Each backup task can back up data of different data sources and generate an independent backup file for each data source. All the backup files generated in a backup task form a backup file set, which can be used in restoration tasks. Backup data can be stored on Linux local disks, local cluster HDFS, and standby cluster HDFS.

  • For MRS 3.x and later versions, backup tasks support full backup and incremental backup policies. Cloud data backup tasks do not support incremental backup. If the backup directory type is NFS or CIFS, incremental backup is not recommended. When incremental backup is used for NFS or CIFS backup, the latest full backup data is updated each time the incremental backup is performed. Therefore, no new recovery point is generated.
  • For MRS 2.x and earlier versions, the backup task provides the full backup or incremental backup policies. HDFS and Hive backup tasks support the incremental backup policy, while OMS, LdapServer, DBService, and NameNode backup tasks support only the full backup policy.

Task execution rules:

  • If a task is being executed, the task cannot be executed repeatedly and other tasks cannot be started at the same time.
  • The interval at which a periodic task is automatically executed must be greater than 120s. Otherwise, the task is postponed and will be executed in the next period. Manual tasks can be executed at any interval.
  • When a periodic task is to be automatically executed, the current time cannot be 120s later than the task start time. Otherwise, the task is postponed and executed in the next period.
  • When a periodic task is locked, it cannot be automatically executed and needs to be manually unlocked.
  • The LocalBackup partition on the active management node must have at least 20 GB of free space to start the backup tasks for OMS, LdapServer (MRS 2.x or earlier), DBService, Kafka (MRS 3.x or later), and NameNode.
  • When you are planning backup and restoration tasks, select the data to be backed up or restored strictly based on the service logic, data store structure, and database or table association.
    • For MRS 2.x and earlier versions, the system creates a default periodic backup task default whose execution interval is 24 hours to perform full backup of OMS, LdapServer, DBService, and NameNode data to the Linux local disk.
    • For MRS 3.x and later versions, the system creates periodic backup tasks default-oms and default-cluster ID at an interval of one hour by default. OMS metadata and cluster metadata, such as DBService and NameNode, can be fully backed up to local disks.

Snapshot (MRS 3.x and later versions)

The system uses the snapshot technology to quickly back up data. Snapshots include HBase and HDFS snapshots.

  • HBase snapshots

    An HBase snapshot is a backup file of HBase tables at a specified time point. This backup file does not replicate service data or affect the RegionServer. The HBase snapshot replicates table metadata, including table descriptor, region info, and HFile reference information. The metadata can be used to restore data before the snapshot creation time.

  • HDFS snapshots

    An HDFS snapshot is a read-only backup of HDFS at a specified time point. The snapshot is used in data backup, misoperation protection, and disaster recovery scenarios.

    The snapshot function can be enabled for any HDFS directory to create the related snapshot file. Before creating a snapshot for a directory, the system automatically enables the snapshot function for the directory. Creating a snapshot does not affect any HDFS operation. A maximum of 65,536 snapshots can be created for each HDFS directory.

    When a snapshot is being created for an HDFS directory, the directory cannot be deleted or modified before the snapshot is created. Snapshots cannot be created for the upper-layer directories or subdirectories of the directory.

DistCp (MRS 3.x and later versions)

Distributed copy (DistCp) is a tool used to replicate a large amount of data in HDFS in a cluster or between the HDFSs of different clusters. In a backup or restoration task of HBase, HDFS, or Hive, if you back up the data to HDFS of the standby cluster, the system invokes DistCp to perform the operation. Install the MRS software of the same version for the active and standby clusters and install the cluster.

DistCp uses MapReduce to implement data distribution, troubleshooting, restoration, and report. DistCp specifies different Map jobs for various source files and directories in the specified list. Each Map job copies the data in the partition that corresponds to the specified file in the list.

If you use DistCp to replicate data between HDFSs of two clusters, configure the cross-cluster mutual trust (mutual trust does not need to be configured for clusters managed by the same FusionInsight Manager) and cross-cluster replication for both clusters. When backing up the cluster data to HDFS in another cluster, you need to install the Yarn component. Otherwise, the backup fails.

Local Fast Restoration (MRS 3.x and later versions)

After using DistCp to back up the HBase, HDFS, and Hive data of the local cluster to the HDFS of the standby cluster, the HDFS of the local cluster retains the backup data snapshots. You can create local rapid restoration tasks to restore data by using the snapshot files in the HDFS of the local cluster.

NAS (MRS 3.x and later versions)

Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a dedicated data storage server which includes the storage components and embedded system software. It provides the cross-platform file sharing function. By using NFS (supporting NFSv3 and NFSv4) and CIFS (supporting SMBv2 and SMBv3), you can connect the service plane of MRS to the NAS server to back up data to the NAS or restore data from the NAS.

  • Before data is backed up to the NAS, the system automatically mounts the NAS shared address to a local partition of the backup task execution node. After the backup is complete, the system unmounts the NAS shared partition from the backup task execution node.
  • To prevent backup and restoration failures, do not access the shared address where the NAS server has been mounted to, for example, /srv/BigData/LocalBackup/nas, during data backup and restoration.
  • When service data is backed up to the NAS, DistCp is used.

Specifications of MRS Cluster Data Backup and Restoration

Table 5 Specifications of the backup and restoration feature



Maximum number of backup or restoration tasks


Number of concurrent tasks in a cluster


Maximum number of waiting tasks


Maximum size (GB) of backup files on a Linux local disk


If service data is stored in the ZooKeeper upper-layer components in MRS 3.x and later versions, ensure that the number of znodes in a single backup or restoration task is not too large. Otherwise, the task will fail, and the ZooKeeper service performance will be affected. To check the number of znodes in a single backup or restoration task, perform the following operations:

  • Ensure that the number of znodes in a single backup or restoration task is smaller than the upper limit of OS file handles. Specifically:
    1. To check the upper limit at the system level, run the cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max command.
    2. To check the upper limit at the user level, run the ulimit -n command.
  • If the number of znodes in the parent directory exceeds the upper limit, back up and restore data in its sub-directories in batches. To check the number of znodes using ZooKeeper client scripts, perform the following operations:
    1. On FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster, click the name of the desired cluster, choose Services > ZooKeeper > Instance, and view the management IP address of each ZooKeeper role.
    2. Log in to the node where the client is installed, configure environment variables, authenticate the user (skip this step for clusters with Kerberos authentication disabled), and run the following command:

      zkCli.sh -server ip:port

      ip can be any management IP address. The default value of port is 2181.

    3. If the following information is displayed, login to the ZooKeeper server is successful:
      WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
      [zk: ip:port(CONNECIED) 0]
    4. Run the getusage command to check the number of znodes in the directory to be backed up.

      getusage /hbase/region

      In the command output, Node count=xxxxxx indicates the number of znodes stored in the region directory.

Table 6 Specifications of the default task (MRS 2.x and earlier)






Backup period

1 hour

Maximum number of backup copies


Maximum size of a backup file

10 MB

20 MB

100 MB

1.5 GB

Maximum size of disk space used

20 MB

40 MB

200 MB

3 GB

Save path of backup data

Data save path/LocalBackup/ of the active and standby management nodes

Table 7 Specifications of the default task (MRS 3.x and later)







Backup period

1 hour

Maximum number of backups

168 (7-day historical data)

24 (one-day historical data)

Maximum size of a backup file

10 MB

10 MB

512 MB

100 MB

20 GB

Maximum size of disk space used

1.64 GB

1.64 GB

84 GB

16.41 GB

480 GB

Storage path of backup data

Data storage path/LocalBackup/ of the active and standby management nodes

  • The backup data of the default backup task must be periodically transferred and saved outside the cluster based on the enterprise O&M requirements.
  • In MRS 3.x and later, administrators can create DistCp backup tasks to save OMS, DBService, and NameNode data to external clusters.
  • The execution time of a cluster data backup task can be calculated using the following formula: Task execution time = Volume of data to be backed up/Network bandwidth between the cluster and the backup device. In practice, you are advised to multiply the calculated duration by 1.5 to get the reference value of the task execution time.
  • Executing a data backup task affects the maximum I/O performance of the cluster. Therefore, you are advised to execute a backup task during off-peak hours.