Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Renaming a File/Folder

You can rename a file/folder based on its content or use case.


  • A system administrator can rename files/folders in their individual space and space of all teams.
  • A department administrator can rename files/folders in their individual space and department space.
  • A common user can rename files/folders in their individual space and department space.


  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. Go to the file list page of the individual or team space.

    • File list of the individual space

      In the navigation pane, choose My Space. The file list of your individual space is displayed.

    • File list of the department space

      In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. Teams are displayed in cards. Click a team to go to the file list of the team space.

      A system administrator can view all department teams in their enterprise. A department administrator or common user can view only their department team.

  3. Move the cursor to More in the row of the target file/folder and choose Rename. Alternatively, select the target file/folder (only one file/folder can be selected) in the file list and choose More > Rename above the list.
  4. Enter the new name and click to rename the file/folder.

    • A file/folder name can contain emojis but cannot contain <>|:"*?/\. It cannot be a period (.) or double periods (..) or exceed 80 characters.
    • If a file/folder with the new name already exists in the upper-level folder, the system automatically adds a timestamp suffix to the name of the file/folder you renamed.