このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
Graph Engine Service
Graph Engine Service
- What's New
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- GES Overview
- Preparations
- Permissions Management
- Metadata Operations
- Creating Graphs
Managing Graphs
- Graph Management Overview
- Viewing a Failed Graph
- Backing Up and Restoring Graphs
- Upgrading a Graph
- Rolling Back a Graph
- Exporting a Graph
- Restarting a Graph
- Resizing a Graph
- Expanding a Graph
- Binding and Unbinding an EIP
- Clearing Data
- Deleting a Graph
- Viewing Monitoring Metrics
- Querying Schema
- Connecting GES to LTS
- Changing a Security Group
- Changing the Security Mode
- Data Migration
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Accessing an Infinite Graph
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the Graph Editor
- Dynamic Graphs
- Graph Exploration
- Multi-Graph Management (Database Edition)
- HyG Graph Management (Database Edition)
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Hiding Sensitive Information About a Graph
- Visual Query
- Canvas Snapshot
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- DSL Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Managing Indexes
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filter Criteria
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- Check Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- O&M Monitoring
- Package Management
- Algorithm List
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Clustering Coefficient
- Betweenness Centrality
- Edge Betweenness Centrality
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered Circle Detection
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths
- Temporal Paths
Developer Guide
- Overview
- Using the Management Plane SDK
Using the Service Plane SDK
- Downloading and Installing the SDK
- Obtaining Initialization Parameters
- Java SDK
- Python SDK
- Using Cypher JDBC Driver to Access GES
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Management Plane APIs (V2)
- System Management
Graph Management
- Listing Graphs (2.1.18)
- Querying Graph Details (1.0.0)
- Creating a Graph (2.2.2)
- Stopping a Graph (1.0.0)
- Starting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Deleting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Incrementally Importing Data to a Graph (2.1.14)
- Exporting a Graph (1.0.5)
- Clearing a Graph(2.1.2)
- Upgrading a Graph (1.0.5)
- Binding an EIP (1.0.6)
- Unbinding an EIP(1.0.6)
- Changing Size (2.2.21)
- Forcibly Restarting a Graph (2.2.21)
- Expanding a Graph (2.2.23)
- Changing the Security Group (2.4.3)
- Backup Management
- Metadata Management
- Task Center
- Plugin Management
Service Plane APIs
Memory Edition
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices That Meet Filter Criteria (1.0.0)
- Querying Vertex Details (1.0.0)
- Adding a Vertex (1.0.6)
- Deleting a Vertex (1.0.6)
- Updating Vertex Properties (1.1.6)
- Batch Querying Vertex Data (1.1.9)
- Batch Adding Vertices (2.1.16)
- Batch Deleting Vertices (2.1.9)
- Batch Updating Vertex Properties (2.1.10)
- Adding a Vertex Label (1.1.6)
- Deleting a Vertex Label (1.1.6)
- Exporting Filtered Vertices (2.2.7)
- Deleting Filtered Vertices (2.2.7)
Edge Operation APIs
- Querying Edges That Meet Filter Criteria (1.0.0)
- Querying Edge Details (1.0.0)
- Adding an Edge (2.1.2)
- Deleting an Edge (1.0.6)
- Updating Edge Properties (1.1.6)
- Batch Querying Edge Data (1.1.6)
- Batch Adding Edges (2.1.16)
- Batch Deleting Edges (2.1.9)
- Batch Updating Edge Properties (2.1.10)
- Exporting Filtered Edges (2.2.7)
- Deleting Filtered Edges (2.2.7)
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms (1.0.0)
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank (1.0.0)
- PersonalRank (1.0.0)
- K-core (1.0.0)
- K-hop (1.0.0)
- Common Neighbors (1.0.0)
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets (2.2.13)
- Link Prediction (1.0.0)
- Shortest Path (2.1.5)
- All Shortest Paths (1.0.12)
- Filtered Shortest Path (2.2.4)
- SSSP (1.0.0)
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets (2.1.5)
- n-Paths (1.1.2)
- Filtered n-Paths (2.2.22)
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets (2.2.15)
- Filtered All Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Connected Component (1.0.0)
- Label Propagation (2.1.8)
- Louvain (2.2.1)
- Node2vec (1.0.5)
- Real-time Recommendation (2.2.21)
- Degree Correlation (1.0.0)
- Triangle Count (1.0.0)
- Cluster Coefficient (1.0.0)
- Closeness Centrality (1.0.0)
- Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Edge Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex (2.2.4)
- Filtered Circle Detection (2.2.15)
- Subgraph Matching (2.2.16)
- Topicrank (2.2.20)
- Temporal Graph APIs
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Custom Operations APIs
- Cypher Queries (2.2.16)
- Filtered Query (2.2.13)
- Filtered Query V2 (2.3.6)
- Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Query APIs (2.3.14)
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File (2.2.13)
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Files (2.2.15)
- O&M Monitoring APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
Database Edition
- Specification Description
- Vertex Operation APIs
- Edge Operation APIs
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- HyG Graph Management APIs
HyG Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms
Algorithm API Parameter Reference
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-Hop
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Connected Component
- Triangle Count
- Closeness Centrality
- Betweenness Centrality
- Edge Betweenness Centrality
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex
- TopicRank
- Louvain
- Bigclam
- Cesna
- Infomap
- Label Propagation
- Subgraph Matching
- Link Prediction
- n Paths
- Cluster Coefficient
- Algorithm Results in TXT Format
- Executing the DSL Algorithm
- DSL Syntax
- HyG Job Management APIs
- Native Algorithm APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Cypher Operation APIs
- Interactive Transaction APIs
- O&M Monitoring APIs
Memory Edition
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- GES Metrics on Cloud Eye
Out-of-Date APIs
Management Plane APIs (V1)
- System Management APIs
Graph Management APIs
- Querying the Graph List (2.1.18)
- Querying Graph Details (1.0.0)
- Creating a Graph (2.2.2)
- Stopping a Graph (1.0.0)
- Starting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Deleting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Incrementally Importing Data to Graphs (2.1.14)
- Exporting a Graph (1.0.5)
- Clearing a Graph(2.1.2)
- Upgrading a Graph (1.0.5)
- Binding an EIP (1.0.6)
- Unbinding an EIP(1.0.6)
- Resizing a Graph (2.2.21)
- Forcibly Restarting a Graph (2.2.21)
- Expanding a Graph (2.2.23)
- Backup Management APIs
- Metadata Management APIs
- Task Center APIs
- Service Plane APIs
Management Plane APIs (V1)
- Appendix
- Customer Consultation
- How Do I Import Data to GES?
- When Binding an EIP to an Existing Instance or an Instance Being Created, What Should I Do to Deal with Insufficient Permissions for Creating Agencies?
- When Binding an EIP to an Existing Instance or an Instance Being Created, What Should I Do to Deal with Insufficient Quotas for Creating Agencies?
- Can I Run Several Gremlin/Cypher Commands At a Time?
- If a Vertex Is Deleted, What Will Happen to Edges Formed Based on the Vertex?
- What Do I Do If an Error Message Indicating a Vertex Does Not Exist Is Displayed When Properties of the Vertex Whose ID Contains Chinese Characters Are Modified?
- Others
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- GES Overview
- Permissions Management
- Importing Metadata
- Creating Graphs
- Managing Graphs
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the GES Graph Editor
- Exploring Graphs
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filtering Conditions
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- View Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- Algorithm List
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Clustering Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Management Plane APIs
Service Plane APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices That Meet Filter Criteria
- Querying Vertex Details
- Adding a Vertex
- Deleting a Vertex
- Updating Vertex Properties
- Querying Vertex Data in Batches
- Adding Vertices in Batches
- Deleting Vertices in Batches
- Updating Vertex Properties in Batches
- Adding a Vertex Label
- Deleting a Vertex Label
- Exporting Filtered Vertices
- Deleting Filtered Vertices
- Edge Operation APIs
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Cluster Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered Circle Detection
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths (2.2.22)
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Querying K Hop Vertices or Edges Using a Filter
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Files
- Cypher Operation API
- Granular Permission Control APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- GES Metrics
- Appendix
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- GES Overview
- Permissions Management
- Importing Metadata
- Creating Graphs
- Managing Graphs
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the GES Graph Editor
- Exploring Graphs
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filtering Conditions
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- View Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- Algorithm List
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Clustering Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Management Plane APIs
Service Plane APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices That Meet Filter Criteria
- Querying Vertex Details
- Adding a Vertex
- Deleting a Vertex
- Updating Vertex Properties
- Querying Vertex Data in Batches
- Adding Vertices in Batches
- Deleting Vertices in Batches
- Updating Vertex Properties in Batches
- Adding a Vertex Label
- Deleting a Vertex Label
- Exporting Filtered Vertices
- Deleting Filtered Vertices
- Edge Operation APIs
Metadata Operation APIs
- Adding a Label
- Updating a Label
- Query Labels (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying Graph Metadata Details
- Changing Property Names in Batches
- Deleting a Label
- Adding Labels in Batches
- Adding Properties (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Query Properties (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying the Property List (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying Schema Structure
- Generating a Schema Structure
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Cluster Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered Circle Detection (2.2.15)
- Subgraph Matching (2.2.16)
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Filtered All Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Topicrank (2.2.20)
- Filtered n-Paths (2.2.22)
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Querying K Hop Vertices or Edges Using a Filter
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Files
- Performing Cypher Queries
- Granular Permission Control APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- GES Metrics
- Appendix
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
On this page
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