Help Center/ Huawei Cloud Flexus_Huawei Cloud Flexus RDS/ User Guide/ Instance Management/ Upgrading a FlexusRDS Instance to an RDS DB Instance
Updated on 2024-08-28 GMT+08:00

Upgrading a FlexusRDS Instance to an RDS DB Instance


You can change a FlexusRDS instance to an RDS DB instance to experience more functions. For comparison between FlexusRDS and RDS DB instances, see FlexusRDS Overview.


  • Your account balance must be no less than $0 USD.
  • When a FlexusRDS instance is being upgraded to an RDS instance, the following operations cannot be performed on the instance: deleting the instance, rebooting the instance, modifying the parameter template, or creating backups.
  • If there is any large transaction being performed during the upgrade, the upgrade may fail.
  • The upgrade takes 5 to 15 minutes (during off-peak hours). If it takes an extended period of time, contact customer service.
  • The instance will be rebooted and services may be interrupted during the upgrade. The length of the interruption depends on the workloads and how much data there is. Upgrade your instance during off-peak hours.

Parameter Changes

vCPU-related parameters, such as threadpool_size and slave_parallel_workers, will be reset according to the following rules.
Table 1 Parameter value changes with vCPU changes


Rule for a vCPU Parameter with No Changes Made to Its Value

Rule for a vCPU Parameter Changed to a Custom Value

vCPU increase

The parameter will be reset to the default value of the new instance class.

The larger one between the custom value and the default value of the new instance class will be used.

vCPU decrease

The parameter will be reset to the default value of the new instance class.

The smaller one between the custom value and the default value of the new instance class will be used.

Memory-related parameters, such as innodb_buffer_pool_size, innodb_log_buffer_size, innodb_log_files_in_group, max_connections, innodb_page_cleaners, innodb_buffer_pool_instances, and back_log, will be reset according to the following rules.

Table 2 Parameter value changes with memory changes


Rule for a Memory Parameter with No Changes Made to Its Value

Rule for a Memory Parameter Changed to a Custom Value

Memory increase

The parameter will be reset to the default value of the new instance class.

The larger one between the custom value and the default value of the new instance class will be used.

Memory decrease

The parameter will be reset to the default value of the new instance class.

The smaller one between the custom value and the default value of the new instance class will be used.

However, values of innodb_io_capacity and innodb_io_capacity_max will be reset to the default values of the new instance class if no custom values have been specified for them or they will remain unchanged if you have specified custom values for them.


  1. In the instance list, locate the target instance and click Upgrade to RDS in the Operation column.
  2. On the displayed page, select the target RDS instance class.

    Figure 1 Upgrading to RDS

  3. After confirming the configuration, click Pay Now and complete the payment as prompted.

    During the upgrade, the instance status is Upgrading to RDS.... After the upgrade is complete, the instance status changes to Available.

  4. To manage the RDS instance, click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > Relational Database Service. On the Instances page, search for the instance by its name.

    The RDS instance name and ID are the same as those of the FlexusRDS instance before the upgrade.