Updated on 2024-10-12 GMT+08:00

Configuring Storage-Compute Decoupling for an OpenSearch Cluster

CSS stores new data as hot data on SSDs to ensure optimal query performance, and historical data as cold data in OBS to cut storage costs.


With storage-compute decoupling, you freeze an index and then transfer historical data to OBS for cold data storage. This allows you to reduce storage costs.

In terms of how frequent data is accessed, data can be divided into cold and hot data. Data newly written in is usually hot data, which is usually stored on SSDs for fast retrieval. As time goes by, the data is no longer updated and the query QPS decreases, the data has turned into cold data. By this time, you transfer the data to OBS for less expensive storage. In the meantime, you can still keep hot data on SSDs.

This section describes how to use storage-compute decoupling after using Kibana to access a cluster.


  • Only Elasticsearch 7.6.2, Elasticsearch 7.10.2, and OpenSearch 1.3.6 support storage-compute decoupling.
  • While an index is being frozen, the system sets the index to the read-only state. Even after the data in the index is dumped to OBS, the index remains read-only and no data can be written into the index.
  • During index freezing, the data in it can still be queried. After the freezing is complete, the index is closed and then re-opened. After that, the index cannot be queried, and the cluster may be in the red status for a short time. The index is restored after being opened.
  • Dumping the data in an index to OBS consumes network bandwidth.
  • After an index is frozen, the data in the index is dumped to OBS and the index data on the local disk is deleted. A frozen index has an increased query latency. During aggregation, the latency becomes even longer because the query is complex and a large amount of data needs to be retrieved.
  • A frozen index with data already dumped to OBS cannot be unfrozen. That is, a read-only index cannot be rolled back to writable.
  • The storage-compute decoupling feature depends on OBS. Therefore, you must comply with the restrictions on OBS bandwidth and QPS. For details, see OBS Restrictions. If these restrictions are violated, the performance of queries on OBS will deteriorate. For example, the speed of restoring shards and querying data will become slow.

Accessing a Cluster

  1. Log in to the CSS management console.
  2. On the Clusters page, locate the target cluster, and click Access Kibana in the Operation column to access Kibana.
  3. Click Dev Tools in the navigation tree on the left.

Freezing an Index

Run the following command to freeze a specified index and dump its data to OBS:
POST ${index_name}/_freeze_low_cost
Table 1 Request parameters




Name of the index to be frozen.

Information similar to the following is returned:

    "freeze_uuid": "pdsRgUtSTymVDWR_HoTGFw"
Table 2 Response parameters




ID of the index freezing task. After an index freezing request is submitted, an asynchronous job is started, and an asynchronous job ID is returned, which can be used to query the progress of the index freezing task.

Checking the Progress of an Index Freezing Task

Run the following command to check the progress of the index freezing task:
GET _freeze_low_cost_progress/${freeze_uuid}
Table 3 Request parameters




ID of the index freezing task, which is generated during Freezing an Index.

Information similar to the following is returned:


  "stage" : "STARTED",
  "shards_stats" : {
    "INIT" : 0,
    "FAILURE" : 0,
    "DONE" : 0,
    "STARTED" : 3,
    "ABORTED" : 0
  "indices" : {
    "data1" : [
        "uuid" : "7OS-G1-tRke2jHZPlckexg",
        "index" : {
          "name" : "data1",
          "index_id" : "4b5PHXJITLaS6AurImfQ9A",
          "shard" : 2
        "start_ms" : 1611972010852,
        "end_ms" : -1,
        "total_time" : "10.5s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 10505,
        "stage" : "STARTED",
        "failure" : null,
        "size" : {
          "total_bytes" : 3211446689,
          "finished_bytes" : 222491269,
          "percent" : "6.0%"
        "file" : {
          "total_files" : 271,
          "finished_files" : 12,
          "percent" : "4.0%"
        "rate_limit" : {
          "paused_times" : 1,
          "paused_nanos" : 946460970
        "uuid" : "7OS-G1-tRke2jHZPlckexg",
        "index" : {
          "name" : "data1",
          "index_id" : "4b5PHXJITLaS6AurImfQ9A",
          "shard" : 0
        "start_ms" : 1611972010998,
        "end_ms" : -1,
        "total_time" : "10.3s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 10359,
        "stage" : "STARTED",
        "failure" : null,
        "size" : {
          "total_bytes" : 3221418186,
          "finished_bytes" : 272347118,
          "percent" : "8.0%"
        "file" : {
          "total_files" : 372,
          "finished_files" : 16,
          "percent" : "4.0%"
        "rate_limit" : {
          "paused_times" : 5,
          "paused_nanos" : 8269016764
        "uuid" : "7OS-G1-tRke2jHZPlckexg",
        "index" : {
          "name" : "data1",
          "index_id" : "4b5PHXJITLaS6AurImfQ9A",
          "shard" : 1
        "start_ms" : 1611972011021,
        "end_ms" : -1,
        "total_time" : "10.3s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 10336,
        "stage" : "STARTED",
        "failure" : null,
        "size" : {
          "total_bytes" : 3220787498,
          "finished_bytes" : 305789614,
          "percent" : "9.0%"
        "file" : {
          "total_files" : 323,
          "finished_files" : 14,
          "percent" : "4.0%"
        "rate_limit" : {
          "paused_times" : 3,
          "paused_nanos" : 6057933087
Table 4 Response parameters




Task status. Its value can be:

  • INIT: The instance has just started or is being initialized.
  • FAILURE: failed
  • DONE: complete
  • STARTED: started
  • ABORTED: canceled. This field is reserved.


Numbers of shards in each state.


Index status details.

Table 5 Return values of indices




UUID of the freezing operation


Index and shard information


Start time


End time. If no end time is specified, the value -1 is displayed.


Time spent


Time spent, in milliseconds


Status of the current shard.


Failure cause. If no failure occurs, null is returned.


Size of files to be frozen, in bytes


Frozen bytes


Percentage of frozen bytes


Number of files to be frozen


Number of frozen files


Percentage of frozen files


Number of times that freezing is suspended due to rate limiting


Duration of freezing task suspension due to rate limiting, in nanoseconds

The following parameters are added to a frozen index. For details, see Table 6.

Table 6 Frozen index parameters




Whether an index is frozen. The value is true.


Whether data writing to a frozen index is disallowed. The value is true.


Storage type of an index. The value is obs.

Querying the Index List Based on Freezing Status

Run the following command to query the index list based on freezing status:
GET _cat/freeze_indices?stage=${STAGE}
Table 7 Request parameters




Index freezing status. The values are as follows:

  • start: List of indexes that are being frozen.
  • done: List of indexes that have been frozen.
  • unfreeze: List of indexes that are not frozen.
  • Empty or other values: List of all indexes that are being frozen or have been frozen.

Information similar to the following is returned:

green open data2 0bNtxWDtRbOSkS4JYaUgMQ 3 0  5 0  7.9kb  7.9kb
green open data3 oYMLvw31QnyasqUNuyP6RA 3 0 51 0 23.5kb 23.5kb

The parameters and return values of this command are the same as those of _cat/indices of open-source Elasticsearch.

Modifying Cache Settings for Cold Data Stored in OBS

After data is dumped to OBS, some data is cached to reduce access to OBS and improve cluster query performance. Data that is requested for the first time is retrieved from OBS. The retrieved data is then cached in the cluster memory. In response to subsequent queries, the system searches for data in the cache first.

Elasticsearch accesses different files using different methods. The cache system supports multi-level cache and uses blocks of different sizes to cache different files. For example, a large number of small blocks are used to cache .fdx and .tip files, while a small number of large blocks are used to cache .fdt files. The cache configuration can be modified based on service requirements. For details about the configuration items, see Table 8.

Table 8 Cache configuration items

Configuration Item





The cache system supports multi-level cache for data of different access granularities. This configuration lists the names of all caches. If this parameter is not set, the system has a cache named default. To customize the configuration, ensure there is a cache named default.

Default value: default



Cache type, which can be memory or file.

If it is set to memory, certain memory capacity will be occupied. If it is set to file, cache will be stored on disks. You are advised to use ultra-high I/O disks to improve cache performance.

Default value: memory



Size of each block in the cache. Its value is the number of bytes shifted left. For example, if this parameter is set to 16, the block size is 216 bytes, that is, 65536 bytes (64 KB).

Default value: 13 (8 KB)



Number of cache partitions.

Default value: 1



Number of blocks inside each cache partition.

Default value: 8192

low_cost.obs.blockcache. <NAME>.exclude.file.types


Extensions of files that are not cached. If the extensions of certain files are neither in the exclude list nor in the include list, they are stored in the default cache.

low_cost.obs.blockcache. <NAME>.file.types


Extensions of cached files. If the extensions of certain files are neither in the exclude list nor in the include list, they are stored in the default cache.



Maximum rate of uploading files to OBS during freezing. It takes effect immediately after you submit configuration.

Default value: 150 MB



If the file size exceeds the value of this parameter during freezing, the multipart upload function of OBS is used.

Default value: 1 GB



Timeout duration.

To reduce the heap memory occupied by frozen indexes, the reader caches data for a period of time after the index shard is started, and stops caching after it times out.

Default value: 300s



Maximum cache size.

Default value: 100

The following is a common cache configuration. It uses two levels of caches: default and large. The default cache uses 64-KB blocks and has a total of 30 x 4096 blocks. It is used to cache non-.fdt files. The large cache uses 2-MB blocks and contains 5 x 1000 blocks. It is used to cache .fdx, .dvd, and .tip files.

low_cost.obs.blockcache.names: ["default", "large"]
low_cost.obs.blockcache.default.type: file
low_cost.obs.blockcache.default.blockshift: 16
low_cost.obs.blockcache.default.number.blocks.perbank: 4096
low_cost.obs.blockcache.default.bank.count: 30
low_cost.obs.blockcache.default.exclude.file.types: ["fdt"]

low_cost.obs.blockcache.large.type: file
low_cost.obs.blockcache.large.blockshift: 21
low_cost.obs.blockcache.large.number.blocks.perbank: 1000
low_cost.obs.blockcache.large.bank.count: 5
low_cost.obs.blockcache.large.file.types: ["fdx", "dvd", "tip"]

Querying the Cache Status of Cold Data Stored in OBS

When the data of a frozen index is queried for the first time, the data retrieved from OBS is automatically cached by the cluster. You can query the cache status of cold data stored in OBS. You can also reset the cache status when you need to debug cluster performance.

  1. Query the cache status of cold data stored in OBS.
    • Query statistics about cold data caching on all nodes:
      GET _frozen_stats
    • Query statistics about cold data caching on specified nodes:
      GET _frozen_stats/${node_id}
      Table 9 Request parameters




      Node ID

    Information similar to the following is returned:

      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 3, //Total number of nodes
        "successful" : 3,  //Successful nodes
        "failed" : 0  //Failed nodes
      "cluster_name" : "css-zzz1", //Cluster name
      "nodes" : {
        "7uwKO38RRoaON37YsXhCYw" : {
          "name" : "css-zzz1-ess-esn-2-1", //Node name
          "transport_address" : "", //Node transport address
          "host" : "", //Node host
          "ip" : "", //Node IP address
          "block_cache" : {
            "default" : {
              "type" : "memory", //Cache type. memory indicates in-memory cache.
              "block_cache_capacity" : 8192, //Cache capacity
              "block_cache_blocksize" : 8192, //Single-block size in the cache, in bytes. In the example, the block size is 8 KB.
              "block_cache_size" : 12, //Cache capacity used.
              "block_cache_hit" : 14,  //Number of cache hits.
              "block_cache_miss" : 0, //Number of cache misses.
              "block_cache_eviction" : 0, //Number of cache evictions.
              "block_cache_store_fail" : 0 //Number of cache storage failures, which occur when the cache is full.
          "obs_stats" : {
            "list" : {
              "obs_list_count" : 17, //Number of times the OBS list API was called.
              "obs_list_ms" : 265, //Total length of time spent calling the OBS list API.
              "obs_list_avg_ms" : 15 //Average time spent calling the OBS list API.
            "get_meta" : {
              "obs_get_meta_count" : 79, //Number of times the OBS get metadata API was called.
              "obs_get_meta_ms" : 183, //Total length of time spent calling the OBS get metadata API.
              "obs_get_meta_avg_ms" : 2 //Average time spent calling the OBS get metadata API.
            "get_obj" : {
              "obs_get_obj_count" : 12, //Number of times the OBS get object API was called.
              "obs_get_obj_ms" : 123, //Total length of time spent calling the OBS get object API.
              "obs_get_obj_avg_ms" : 10 //Average time spent calling the OBS get object API.
            "put_obj" : {
              "obs_put_obj_count" : 12, //Number of times the OBS put object API was called.
              "obs_put_obj_ms" : 2451, //Total length of time spent calling the OBS put object API.
              "obs_put_obj_avg_ms" : 204 //Average time spent calling the OBS put object API.
            "obs_op_total" : {
              "obs_op_total_ms" : 3022, //Total length of time spent calling OBS APIs.
              "obs_op_total_count" : 120, //Total number of times calling OBS APIs.
              "obs_op_avg_ms" : 25 //Average time spent calling OBS APIs.
          "reader_cache" : {
            "hit_count" : 0,
            "miss_count" : 1,
            "load_success_count" : 1,
            "load_exception_count" : 0,
            "total_load_time" : 291194714,
            "eviction_count" : 0
        "73EDpEqoQES749umJqxOzQ" : {
          "name" : "css-zzz1-ess-esn-3-1",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "block_cache" : {
            "default" : {
              "type" : "memory",
              "block_cache_capacity" : 8192,
              "block_cache_blocksize" : 8192,
              "block_cache_size" : 12,
              "block_cache_hit" : 14,
              "block_cache_miss" : 0,
              "block_cache_eviction" : 0,
              "block_cache_store_fail" : 0
          "obs_stats" : {
            "list" : {
              "obs_list_count" : 17,
              "obs_list_ms" : 309,
              "obs_list_avg_ms" : 18
            "get_meta" : {
              "obs_get_meta_count" : 79,
              "obs_get_meta_ms" : 216,
              "obs_get_meta_avg_ms" : 2
            "get_obj" : {
              "obs_get_obj_count" : 12,
              "obs_get_obj_ms" : 140,
              "obs_get_obj_avg_ms" : 11
            "put_obj" : {
              "obs_put_obj_count" : 12,
              "obs_put_obj_ms" : 1081,
              "obs_put_obj_avg_ms" : 90
            "obs_op_total" : {
              "obs_op_total_ms" : 1746,
              "obs_op_total_count" : 120,
              "obs_op_avg_ms" : 14
          "reader_cache" : {
            "hit_count" : 0,
            "miss_count" : 1,
            "load_success_count" : 1,
            "load_exception_count" : 0,
            "total_load_time" : 367179751,
            "eviction_count" : 0
        "EF8WoLCUQbqJl1Pkqo9-OA" : {
          "name" : "css-zzz1-ess-esn-1-1",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "block_cache" : {
            "default" : {
              "type" : "memory",
              "block_cache_capacity" : 8192,
              "block_cache_blocksize" : 8192,
              "block_cache_size" : 12,
              "block_cache_hit" : 14,
              "block_cache_miss" : 0,
              "block_cache_eviction" : 0,
              "block_cache_store_fail" : 0
          "obs_stats" : {
            "list" : {
              "obs_list_count" : 17,
              "obs_list_ms" : 220,
              "obs_list_avg_ms" : 12
            "get_meta" : {
              "obs_get_meta_count" : 79,
              "obs_get_meta_ms" : 139,
              "obs_get_meta_avg_ms" : 1
            "get_obj" : {
              "obs_get_obj_count" : 12,
              "obs_get_obj_ms" : 82,
              "obs_get_obj_avg_ms" : 6
            "put_obj" : {
              "obs_put_obj_count" : 12,
              "obs_put_obj_ms" : 879,
              "obs_put_obj_avg_ms" : 73
            "obs_op_total" : {
              "obs_op_total_ms" : 1320,
              "obs_op_total_count" : 120,
              "obs_op_avg_ms" : 11
          "reader_cache" : {
            "hit_count" : 0,
            "miss_count" : 1,
            "load_success_count" : 1,
            "load_exception_count" : 0,
            "total_load_time" : 235706838,
            "eviction_count" : 0
  2. Run the following command to reset the cache status:
    POST _frozen_stats/reset

    This command is used to debug performance issues. If you reset the cache status and then run the cache query command, you can check the accurate cache command status. It is not advisable to use this command during service running.

    Information similar to the following is returned:

      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "Es-0325-007_01",
      "nodes" : {
        "mqTdk2YRSPyOSXfesREFSg" : {
          "result" : "ok"

Improving Cold Data Query Performance

This feature is supported by Elasticsearch 7.6.2, Elasticsearch 7.10.2, and OpenSearch 1.3.6 clusters created later than February 2023.

When cold data is queried on the Discover page of Kibana for the first time, all data needs to be retrieved from OBS because there is no cache. If a large number of documents need to be returned, it takes a long time to retrieve the corresponding time fields and file metadata from OBS. By caching this part of data within the cluster, you can significantly improve query performance. This is how CSS improves the query performance for cold data. Local cache settings are preset. You can modify them as needed. You can also view the local cache settings.

  1. Modify local cache settings for cold data.
    Table 10 Local cache configuration items

    Configuration Item



    Can Be Changed Dynamically






    Maximum number of available cold data caches on a node. Each shard corresponds to a cache object.

    Value range: 10-5000

    Default value: 500

    • If the heap memory usage remains high, you can decrease this value.
    • If the value of load_overflow_count keeps increasing rapidly, increase this value.





    Threshold for enabling the local cache of cold data.

    • If in an index, the percentage of fields whose type is date is less than the value of this parameter, you can enable local cache for cold data of the date type. Otherwise, do not use it.
    • If date fields account for the vast majority of all fields in the current index, you are advised not to use this setting.

    Unit: %

    Value range: 0 to 100

    Default value: 50





    Retention duration for cold data in the local cache. The value is determined based on index.frozen_date (time when the freezing is successful). If index.frozen_date is unavailable, the value is determined based on the index creation time.

    Unit: days

    Value range: 1 to 365 days

    Default value: 30d


    You are advised to adjust the retention duration based on your disk usage.

    • Run the following command to modify low_cost.local_cache.max.capacity:
      PUT _cluster/settings
         "persistent": {
    • Run the following command to modify index.low_cost.local_cache.threshold:
      PUT es_write_pref2-00000000021/_settings
    • Run the following command to modify index.low_cost.local_cache.evict_time:
      PUT es_write_pref2-00000000021/_settings
  2. Query the local cache information for cold data.
    • Query statistics and metrics about cold data caching on all nodes:
      GET /_frozen_stats/local_cache
    • Query statistics and metrics about cold data caching on specified nodes:
      GET /_frozen_stats/local_cache/{nodeId}

      {nodeId} indicates the node ID.

    Information similar to the following is returned:

       "_nodes" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "successful" : 1,
         "failed" : 0
       "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
       "nodes" : {
         "6by3lPy1R3m55Dcq3liK8Q" : {
           "name" : "node-1",
           "transport_address" : "",
           "host" : "",
           "ip" : "",
           "local_cache" : {
             "get_stats" : {
               "get_total_count" : 562,                            //Total number of times data was retrieved from the local cold data cache.
               "get_hit_count" : 562,                              //Total number of hits in the local cold data cache.
               "get_miss_count" : 0,                               //Total number of local cold data cache misses.
               "get_total_ns" : 43849200,                          //Total duration for retrieving data from the local cold data cache.
               "get_avg_ns" : 78023                                //Average duration for retrieving data from the local cold data cache.
             "load_stats" : {
               "load_count" : 2,                                    //Number of times cold data was loaded from the local cache
               "load_total_ms" : 29,                                //Total duration for loading cold data from the local cache
               "load_avg_ms" : 14,                                  //Average duration for loading cold data from the local cache
               "load_fail_count" : 0,                               //Number of failures for loading cold data from the local cache
               "load_overflow_count" : 0                            //Number of times the local cold data cache exceeds the cache pool size.
             "reload_stats" : {
               "reload_count" : 0,                                  //Number of times the local cold data cache was regenerated.
               "reload_total_ms" : 0,                               //Total duration for regenerating the local cold data cache.
               "reload_avg_ms" : 0,                                 //Average duration for regenerating the local cold data cache.
               "reload_fail_count" : 0                              //Number of failures in regenerating the local cold data cache.
             "init_stats" : {
               "init_count" : 0,                                     //Number of times the local cold data cache was initialized.
               "init_total_ms" : 0,                                  //Total duration for initializing the local cold data cache.
               "init_avg_ms" : 0,                                    //Average duration for initializing the local cold data cache.
               "init_fail_count" : 0                                 //Number of failures in initializing the local cold data cache.

Querying the Real-Time Rates of OBS in Handling Cold Data

This feature is supported by Elasticsearch 7.6.2, Elasticsearch 7.10.2, and OpenSearch 1.3.6 clusters created later than February 2023.

To help you understand how the storage-compute decoupling plug-in is working with OBS, an API for collecting statistics on the real-time rates of OBS has been added, and the real-time rates are recorded in the index .freeze_obs_rate-YYYY.mm.dd.

Calculation method: The average OBS operation rates in the last 5 seconds are calculated every 5 seconds.

The system index .freeze_obs_rate-YYYY.mm.dd records statistics on OBS real-time operation rates, helping you understand relevant trends about the OBS that stores cold data. The default retention period of the index is 30 days.

  1. Querying the real-time rates of OBS in handling cold data.
    • Run the following command to query the real-time OBS rates on all nodes:
      GET _frozen_stats/obs_rate 
    • Run the following command to query the real-time OBS rates on specified nodes:
      GET _frozen_stats/obs_rate/{nodeId}

      {nodeId} indicates the node ID.

    Example response:
       "_nodes" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "successful" : 1,
         "failed" : 0
       "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
       "nodes" : {
         "dflDvcSwTJ-fkiIlT2zE3A" : {
           "name" : "node-1",
           "transport_address" : "",
           "host" : "",
           "ip" : "",
           "update_time" : 1671777600482,                            // Time when the current statistics were updated.
           "obs_rate" : {
             "list_op_rate" : 0.0,                                   // Rate of OBS list operations. Unit: times/s.
             "get_meta_op_rate" : 0.0,                               // Rate of OBS get meta operations. Unit: times/s.
             "get_obj_op_rate" : 0.0,                                // Rate of OBS get operations. Unit: times/s.
             "put_op_rate" : 0.0,                                    // Rate of OBS put operations. Unit: times/s.
             "obs_total_op_rate" : 0.0,                              // Rate of all OBS operations. Unit: times/s.
             "obs_upload_rate" : "0.0 MB/s",                         // Data upload rate of OBS, in MB/s.
             "obs_download_rate" : "0.0 MB/s"                        // Data download rate of OBS, in MB/s.
  2. Modify the retention period of the .freeze_obs_rate-YYYY.mm.dd index that stores the OBS real-time rates. The default retention period of indexes is 30 days.

    Run the following command to change the index retention period to seven days:

    PUT _cluster/settings
       "persistent": {
         "low_cost.obs_rate_index.evict_time":  "7d"
    Table 11 Configuration items

    Configuration Item



    Can Be Changed Dynamically






    The retention period of the .freeze_obs_rate-YYYY.mm.dd index.

    • Value range: 1 to 365 days
    • Default value: 30d
    • Unit: days