Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Troubleshooting/ SSH Connection Issues/ What Do I Do If I Can Log In to an Ubuntu 16.04 ECS Using SSH But the VNC Login Page Cannot Be Displayed?
Updated on 2024-08-15 GMT+08:00

What Do I Do If I Can Log In to an Ubuntu 16.04 ECS Using SSH But the VNC Login Page Cannot Be Displayed?


You have successfully connected to the Ubuntu 16.04 ECS using SSH, but the VNC login page cannot be displayed.


  1. Run the following command to modify the GRUB configuration after you log in to the Ubuntu 16.04 ECS using SSH:

    cat /etc/default/grub

    Comment out GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden and modify GRUB_TIMEOUT=10, as shown in the following figure.

  2. Run the following command to delete all files that start with 50 in the /etc/default/grub.d/ directory:

    rm -rf /etc/default/grub.d/50*

  3. Run the following commands to update the configuration:


  4. Run the following commands to modify the Yum source to install the public kernel:

    sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list

    apt autoclean

    apt update

  5. Run the following command to install the Ubuntu 16.04 public kernel.

    apt install linux-image-generic

  6. Wait until the installation is complete and the system is restarted, and select the generic kernel on the GRUB page to start the system.
  7. (Optional) Run the following command to delete azurelinuxagent because the agent keeps printing logs to the VNC console, which affects the VNC functions.

    sudo apt -y remove walinuxagent