Help Center/ VPC Endpoint/ User Guide (Ankara Region)/ VPC Endpoints/ Querying and Accessing a VPC Endpoint
Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Querying and Accessing a VPC Endpoint


After a VPC endpoint is created, you can query its details and access it.


A VPC endpoint supports a maximum of 3,000 concurrent requests.

Querying a VPC Endpoint

Perform the following operations to query details about a VPC endpoint, including its ID, associated VPC endpoint service name, VPC, and status.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the required region and project.
  1. Click Service List and choose Networking > VPC Endpoint.
  2. In the VPC endpoint list, click the ID of the target VPC endpoint to view its details.

    After an interface VPC endpoint is created, a private IP address is assigned.

    Table 1 Parameters contained in the details of a VPC endpoint






    Specifies the ID of the VPC endpoint.


    Specifies the VPC where the VPC endpoint is deployed.

    VPC Endpoint Service Name

    Specifies the name of the VPC endpoint service that the VPC endpoint is used to access.

    Private IP Address

    Specifies the IP address for accessing the VPC endpoint.

    Private Domain Name

    Specifies the private domain name for accessing the VPC endpoint.


    Specifies the status of the VPC endpoint.


    Specifies the type of the VPC endpoint service that the VPC endpoint is used to access.


    Specifies the creation time of the VPC endpoint.

Accessing a VPC Endpoint via Its Private IP Address

Perform the following operations to access a VPC endpoint via its private IP address:

  1. In the VPC where the VPC endpoint is deployed, log in to the backend resource, for example, an ECS.
  2. Select a command based on the backend resource type and run the command to access the VPC endpoint. The command format is as follows:

    Command Private IP address:Port number

    The following is a command example:

    curl Private IP address:Port number