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Help Center/ Cloud Eye/ User Guide (Ankara Region)/ Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye/ Computing/ OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed

OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed

Updated on 2024-04-17 GMT+08:00

After installing the Agent on an ECS, you can view its OS monitoring metrics. Monitoring data is collected every 1 minute.

CPU, CPU load, memory, disk, disk I/O, file system, and NIC metrics can be monitored.

Table 1 CPU metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Idle CPU Usage

Percentage of time that CPU is idle

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period.
  • Windows: Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) id value.



1 minute


(Agent) Other Process CPU Usage

Percentage of time that the CPU is used by other processes

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Other Process CPU Usage = 1- Idle CPU Usage - Kernel Space CPU Usage - User Space CPU Usage
  • Windows: Other Process CPU Usage = 1- Idle CPU Usage - Kernel Space CPU Usage - User Space CPU Usage



1 minute


(Agent) Kernel Space CPU Usage

Percentage of time that the CPU is used by kernel space

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) sy value.
  • Windows: Obtain the metric value using the Windows API GetSystemTimes.



1 minute


(Agent) User Space CPU Usage

Percentage of time that the CPU is used by user space

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) us value.
  • Windows: Obtain the metric value using the Windows API GetSystemTimes.



1 minute


(Agent) CPU Usage

CPU usage of the monitored object

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) value.
  • Windows: Obtain the metric value using the Windows API GetSystemTimes.



1 minute


(Agent) Nice Process CPU Usage

Percentage of time that the CPU is in user mode with low-priority processes which can easily be interrupted by higher-priority processes

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) ni value.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) iowait Process CPU Usage

Percentage of time that the CPU is waiting for I/O operations to complete

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) wa value.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) CPU Interrupt Time

Percentage of time that the CPU is servicing interrupts

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) hi value.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) CPU Software Interrupt Time

Percentage of time that the CPU is servicing software interrupts

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check the metric value changes in file /proc/stat in a collection period. Run the top command to check the %Cpu(s) si value.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute

Table 2 CPU load metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) 1-Minute Load Average

CPU load averaged from the last 1 minute

Linux: Obtain the metric value from the number of logic CPUs in load1/ in file /proc/loadavg. Run the top command to check the load1 value.



1 minute


(Agent) 5-Minute Load Average

CPU load averaged from the last 5 minutes

Linux: Obtain the metric value from the number of logic CPUs in load5/ in file /proc/loadavg. Run the top command to check the load5 value.



1 minute


(Agent) 15-Minute Load Average

CPU load averaged from the last 15 minutes

Linux: Obtain the metric value from the number of logic CPUs in load15/ in file /proc/loadavg. Run the top command to check the load15 value.



1 minute


The Windows OS does not support the CPU load metrics.

Table 3 Memory metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Available Memory

Amount of memory that is available and can be given instantly to processes

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Obtain the metric value from MemAvailable in file /proc/meminfo. If MemAvailable is not available in /proc/meminfo, it equals to MemFree+Buffers+Cached.
  • Windows: It is calculated by available memory minuses used memory. The value is obtained by calling the Windows API GlobalMemoryStatusEx.

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Memory Usage

Memory usage of the instance

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Obtain the metric value from the /proc/meminfo file (MemTotal-MemAvailable)/MemTotal.
  • Windows: The calculation formula is as follows: Used memory size/Total memory size*100%.



1 minute


(Agent) Idle Memory

Amount of memory that is not being used

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Obtain the metric value from /proc/meminfo.
  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Buffer

Amount of memory that is being used for buffers

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Obtain the metric value from /proc/meminfo. Run the top command to check the KiB Mem:buffers value.
  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Cache

Amount of memory that is being used for file caches

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Obtain the metric value from /proc/meminfo. Run the top command to check the KiB Swap:cached Mem value.
  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 GB


1 minute

Table 4 Disk metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Available Disk Space

Free space on the disks

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Avail column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
  • Windows: Use the WMI interface to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW API to obtain disk space data. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Disk Storage Capacity

Total space on the disks, including used and free

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Size column.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows: Use the WMI interface to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW API to obtain disk space data. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Used Disk Space

Used space on the disks

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Used column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
  • Windows: Use the WMI interface to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW API to obtain disk space data. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0 GB


1 minute


(Agent) Disk Usage

Percentage of total disk space that is used. It is calculated as follows: Disk Usage = Used Disk Space/Disk Storage Capacity.

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: It is calculated as follows: Used/Size. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
  • Windows: Use the WMI interface to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW API to obtain disk space data. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).



1 minute

Table 5 Disk I/O metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Disks Read Rate

Volume of data read from the instance per second

Unit: byte/s

  • Linux:

    The disk read rate is calculated by calculating the data changes in the sixth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows:
    • Use Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk object in the WMI to obtain disk I/O data.
    • The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
    • When the CPU usage is high, monitoring data obtaining timeout may occur and result in the failure of obtaining monitoring data.

≥ 0 bytes/s


1 minute


(Agent) Disks Read Requests

Number of read requests sent to the monitored disk per second

Unit: Request/s

  • Linux:

    The disk read requests are calculated by calculating the data changes in the fourth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows:
    • Use Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk object in the WMI to obtain disk I/O data.
    • The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
    • When the CPU usage is high, monitoring data obtaining timeout may occur and result in the failure of obtaining monitoring data.

≥ 0 Requests/s


1 minute


(Agent) Disks Write Rate

Volume of data written to the instance per second

Unit: byte/s

  • Linux:

    The disk write rate is calculated by calculating the data changes in the tenth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows:
    • Use Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk object in the WMI to obtain disk I/O data.
    • The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
    • When the CPU usage is high, monitoring data obtaining timeout may occur and result in the failure of obtaining monitoring data.

≥ 0 bytes/s


1 minute


(Agent) Disks Write Requests

Number of write requests sent to the monitored disk per second

Unit: Request/s

  • Linux:

    The disk write requests are calculated by calculating the data changes in the eighth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows:
    • Use Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk object in the WMI to obtain disk I/O data.
    • The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).
    • When the CPU usage is high, monitoring data obtaining timeout may occur and result in the failure of obtaining monitoring data.

≥ 0 Requests/s


1 minute


(Agent) Average Read Request Time

Average amount of time that read requests have waited on the disks

Unit: ms/count

  • Linux:

    The average read request time is calculated by calculating the data changes in the seventh column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 ms/count


1 minute


(Agent) Average Write Request Time

Average amount of time that write requests have waited on the disks

Unit: ms/count

  • Linux:

    The average write request time is calculated by calculating the data changes in the eleventh column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 ms/count


1 minute


(Agent) Disk I/O Usage

Percentage of the time that the disk has had I/O requests queued to the total disk operation time

Unit: Percent

  • Linux:

    The disk I/O usage is calculated by calculating the data changes in the thirteenth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) Disk Queue Length

Average number of read or write requests queued up for completion for the monitored disk in the monitoring period

Unit: Count

  • Linux:

    The average disk queue length is calculated by calculating the data changes in the fourteenth column of the corresponding device in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 Counts


1 minute


(Agent) Average Disk Write Size

Average number of bytes in an I/O write for the monitored disk in the monitoring period

Unit: ms/op

  • Linux:

    The average disk write size is calculated by calculating the data changes in the tenth column of the corresponding device to divide that of the eighth column in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 ms/op


1 minute


(Agent) Average Disk Read Size

Average number of bytes in an I/O read for the monitored disk in the monitoring period

Unit: KB/op

  • Linux:

    The average disk read size is calculated by using the data changes in the sixth column of the corresponding device to divide that of the fourth column in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 KB/op


1 minute


(Agent) Disk I/O Service Time

Average time in an I/O read or write for the monitored disk in the monitoring period

Unit: ms/op

  • Linux:

    The average disk I/O service time is calculated by using the data changes in the thirteenth column of the corresponding device to divide the sum of data changes in the fourth and eighth columns in file /proc/diskstats in a collection period.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

  • Windows is not supported.

≥ 0 ms/op


1 minute

Table 6 File system metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) File System Read/Write Status

Read and write status of the mounted file system of the monitored object Possible statuses are 0 (read and write) and 1 (read only).

Linux: Check file system information in the fourth column in file /proc/mounts.



1 minute


(Agent) Disk inode Total

Total number of index nodes on the disk

Linux: Run the df -i command to check the value in the Inodes column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0


1 minute


(Agent) Total inode Used

Number of used index nodes on the disk

Linux: Run the df -i command to check the value in the IUsed column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0


1 minute


(Agent) Percentage of Total inode Used

Number of used index nodes on the disk

Unit: Percent

Linux: Run the df -i command to check the value in the IUse% column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), periods (.), and swung dashes (~).



1 minute


The Windows OS does not support the file system metrics.

Table 7 NIC metrics



Metric Description

Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Outbound Bandwidth

Number of bits received by this NIC per second

Unit: bit/s

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows: Use the MibIfRow object in the WMI to obtain network metric data.

≥ 0 bits/s


1 minute


(Agent) Inbound Bandwidth

Number of bits sent by this NIC per second

Unit: bit/s

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows: Use the MibIfRow object in the WMI to obtain network metric data.

≥ 0 bits/s


1 minute


(Agent) NIC Packet Receive Rate

Number of packets received by this NIC per second

Unit: Count/s

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows: Use the MibIfRow object in the WMI to obtain network metric data.

≥ 0 counts/s


1 minute


(Agent) NIC Packet Send Rate

Number of packets sent by this NIC per second

Unit: Count/s

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows: Use the MibIfRow object in the WMI to obtain network metric data.

≥ 0 counts/s


1 minute



Total number of TCP connections of the target NIC



1 minute


(Agent) Number of ESTABLISHED TCP connections

Number of ESTABLISHED TCP connections of the target NIC



1 minute


(Agent) Receive Error Rate

Percentage of receive errors detected by this NIC per second

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) Transmit Error Rate

Percentage of transmit errors detected by this NIC per second

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) Received Packet Drop Rate

Percentage of packets received by this NIC which were dropped per second

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute


(Agent) Transmitted Packet Drop Rate

Percentage of packets transmitted by this NIC which were dropped per second

Unit: Percent

  • Linux: Check metric value changes in file /proc/net/dev in a collection period.
  • Windows is not supported.



1 minute

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