Help Center/ GeminiDB/ GeminiDB Redis API/ Working with GeminiDB Redis API/ Modifying Instance Settings/ Performing a Primary/Standby Switchover for GeminiDB Redis Instances
Updated on 2025-01-03 GMT+08:00

Performing a Primary/Standby Switchover for GeminiDB Redis Instances


GeminiDB Redis instances provide an automatic HA mechanism. Generally, you do not need to manually perform a primary/standby switchover. You can use this feature to perform DR drills and test client processing capabilities in HA scenarios. You can also perform a primary/standby switchover as needed to meet service requirements.


Currently, this operation can be performed only on primary/standby GeminiDB Redis instances that are in the Available state.


  • When you perform a primary/standby switchover, the instance IP addresses remain unchanged, so there is no need to update the service connection address.
  • During a primary/standby switchover, the connection is disconnected for less than 10 seconds, which can cause slow latency or command execution failures. To address this issue, you need to have a command retry or connection retry mechanism on the client. Perform primary/standby switchovers during off-peak hours.


  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB Redis API.
  3. On the Instances page, click the target instance.
  4. In the Node Information area on the Basic Information page, click Primary/Standby Switchover.

    Figure 1 Performing a primary/standby switchover.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

    Figure 2 Performing a primary/standby switchover.