Help Center/ API Gateway/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ FAQs/ API Authentication/ What Should I Do If the App Authentication Information Is Incorrect?
Updated on 2024-08-07 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If the App Authentication Information Is Incorrect?

You may encounter the following errors related to app authentication information:

Incorrect app authentication information: app not found, appkey xxx

  "error_msg": "Incorrect app authentication information: app not found, appkey 01177c425f71487ea362ba84dc4abe5e1",    
  "error_code": "APIG.0303",    
  "request_id": "a5322eb89048eb41d705491a76a05aca"

Possible Causes

The AppKey is incorrect.


  1. In the navigation pane of the APIG console, choose API Management > Credentials.
  2. Click the corresponding credential name to go to the details page.
  3. Check the Key and reconfigure the AppKey.

Incorrect app authentication information: signature expired

  "error_msg": "Incorrect app authentication information: signature expired, signature time:20230527T000431Z,server time:20230527T020608Z",
  "error_code": "APIG.0303",    
  "request_id": "fd6530a01c09807640189e65e837b8ad"


Possible Causes

The difference between the client's signature timestamp x-sdk-date and the APIG server's time exceeds 15 minutes.


Check whether the time on the client is correct.