Help Center/ Migration Center/ FAQs/ Storage Migration/ How Do I Resolve the Problem that a Migration Cluster Fails to Be Created?
Updated on 2025-02-17 GMT+08:00

How Do I Resolve the Problem that a Migration Cluster Fails to Be Created?


When you created a migration cluster, Creation failed was displayed in the Cluster Status column.


Click Creation failed in the Cluster Status column. Based on the displayed cause and details, rectify the fault. The following table lists some common errors and causes. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.




Ecs.0319 check capacity: capacity is not enough.

Insufficient ECS quota.

Apply for expanding the capacity. For more information, see ECS Error Codes.

Vpc.0702 query privateIps error.

Invalid parameters.

Check whether the parameter values are valid based on the returned error message. For more information, see:

VPC Error Codes